Monday, January 12, 2015

TechStep 2015

Please submit your book review. Be sure to include your NAME and class period


Unknown said...

Book title and author: A Child Called It, By Dave Pelzer
Title of review: A Review on A Child Called it
Number of stars (1 to 5): *****
Connor Neal

The Child Called It takes place March 5th in Daly City California. The Book is told by Dave Pelzer in a first person point of view. A Child Called it was written in 1955. Dave Pelzer wrote this book, and he was also the protagonist. I think the theme of this book is hope. I think this is the theme because throughout the whole book David never gave up his hope.
This story is about of the most sever child abuse cases ever. Dave Pelzer was beaten terribly and starved almost to death. He had to sleep in a cold, damp basement on an army cot. He wore the same clothes every day, they were worn out and look like Swiss cheese with all of the holes in them. He went several days at a time, and when he even got food it was usually spoiled scraps. He had nothing but his imagination to survive. The things that he endured were unbelievable! For example one day his mother forced him to eat ammonia. This caused him to stop breathing and pass out. As you can see his life was terrible.
This book was the third book in a in a trilogy written by Dave Pelzer. This book was easily his best one. A Child Called It was written in in 1995. In this novel there are flashbacks and flash forwards. This book was written as a memoir. One thing that I thought was cool is that Dave remembered everything so vividly.
To conclude this book was a great book the told a great lesson. Also this book gets pretty hard to read after the first chapter. All and all it’s a great book with many terrible thing happening in it. This book was one of my favorite books ever because of how David never lost hope and never gave up.
This book was a great book that I enjoyed a lot. I give it 5 out of 5 stars.

Unknown said...

S.E. Hinton’s The Outsiders
By: Jacob Ralston
Book title and author: The Outsiders, S.E. Hinton
Number of stars (1 to 5): ****
My novel is The Outsiders. It was written by S.E. Hinton and the setting is in Oklahoma. Ms. Hinton wrote this book at the age of 16. This novel is based off a true story from her youth. Her very good friend from school was jumped while walking home from school. S.E. Hinton was not considered a writer because she was a female. So, on all of her novels she puts her initials S.E. She does this to hide her identity as a female.
Pony boy, the main character and his buddies the Greasers are at war with the rich and snobby Socs. The Socs beat up on the Greasers all the time because they aren’t rich and good looking like they are. Everything goes as usual till one day the boys take it a little too far. Johnny, Pony boy’s best friend stabbed a Soc and they go on a run from the law. So they skip town and go hide in an abandoned church in the country. Things go great until a cigarette bud burns down the church, and Johnny has to save children and gets severely burned. So, the Greasers and the Socs plan on having an all-out war. So, they prepare for the fight. During their preparation Johnny passes away. The Greasers fight for Johnny and win they everything is all right.
I think that this book is very skillfully written. S.E. Hinton does a fabulous job of writing this book, even for a girl at such a young age. Ms. Hinton over comes adversity though all of the people doubting her because of her gender. She makes an excellent book for young children and adults to read. It has a perfect combination of action and suspense. The one thing I do not like about the book is how in the middle of the book the story slows down a good bit. My favorite scene in the book has to be the last rumble. S.E. makes you feel like you are right there watching. So I very much enjoyed this book and would recommend it to just about anyone.
In conclusion, The Outsiders was written by S.E. Hinton at age 16. The novel is based off the story of when her friend in high-school got jumped while walking home from school. Ms. Hinton was rejected as a writer due to her gender. She would eventually overcome this adversity by giving the people a spectacular story. In anyone’s opinion it truly doesn’t matter who writes the book it just matters what’s in the book. I would recommend this book to just about anyone.
S.E. Hinton’s book The Outsiders is an all-around astonishing novel. I would give it 4 out of 5 stars.

By: Jaocb Ralston 1/2 Period

Unknown said...

By: Brooke Krcek
Book title and author: The Outsiders, By S.E. Hinton
Number of stars (1 to 5): *****
The book, The Outsiders, was written by S.E. Hinton in 1967. At this time she wrote it when she was only fifteen years old. She wrote this book based on her friend coming home, he got jumped and beat up. She started writing this book based on gangs, and soon made up details along the way. Sense she was a woman and fifteen years of age, she did not think that anyone would take the time to read her novel. So, she waited to later publish the book when she was a little older. S.E. Hinton wrote many novels in her time. But, The Outsiders was one of her most famous pieces of literature.
In the book, there are two groups called the socs and the greasers. Ponyboy, the main character in the book is a boy in a gang called the greasers. He and his friends live on the east side and, the other gang called the socs lived on the west. Ponyboy and his good friend Johnny find themselves in a lot of trouble, after they went to see a movie. They met some girls from the west side. The girl’s boyfriends showed up and were not happy that they were talking to them. Late at night, Ponyboy and Johnny are walking on their way home. Then, a group of socs spot them and try to jump them. To protect Ponyboy, Johnny accidentally kills one of the soc boys. Pony and Johnny have to go into hiding, so Johnny won’t get sent off to jail. Their good friend named Dally, who is a very troubled person, helps them hid. After that, a fire goes off in the place they were hiding. Johnny passes away and Dally goes mad and ends up getting himself killed, because Johnny was the only person he loved.
I thought this book was a very intriguing piece of literature. It was a great book. It had sorrows, happy moments, suspense, and even some funny parts. The novel kept you very entertained. She was a very young author at the time of writing this, and it is a great book for someone to write that young. To this day it is still a famous book for people to read. As you read the book, it also taught you some important life lessons. For example, one of the most important quotes in the book is “stay gold Pony, stay gold.” I think this quote is saying that he is good at heart and he should not change and try to fit in. You should always be yourself and be your own person.
In conclusion, I enjoyed this book a lot. I would recommend anyone who loves a story that has ever emotion in it. I think anyone who gave this book a chance would enjoy it also. S.E. Hinton in my opinion did a wonderful job of writing this novel. This book is one of my favorite I have read. \
In the end, I would rate this book, five stars. It is a wonderful book and I recommend anyone who is looking for a good book should read this.

Unknown said...

By Hayden Sliger
Book title and author: A Child Called “It”
Title of review: A Child Called “It”
Number of stars:*****
A Child Called “It” is a type of biography called a memoire. It is the first book out of three, written by Dave Pelzer. This book is also the most popular of the books he has written. This book is known as one of the most well-known child abuse stories ever. All of Dave Pelzer’s books are real too! This is why his books are so moving. This book is a best seller for many places and stores because of its moving and inspirational power.

Dave Pelzer was a boy living a normal life, until his mother changed. Out of nowhere, she had gotten mean and cruel. Dave had no idea why. His mother started playing torturous games. Her games were very dangerous and unbelievably horrible. His mother also kept him from food, bathrooms, and a bed. Even when he got the luxury of food, it was garbage. All of his clothes were never washed and he had holes all in them. Life was almost in his mind until the day he was taken away. He was put in good hands and became okay again.

I thought that this book was very moving. Dave Pelzer stayed strong when it got tough and I liked that. This book is one of my favorites, but it is hard to read. With all of the bad games, I felt what he felt. I felt like I was with him or even in his place. Even to imagine what he went though is hard. Overall I liked this book a lot.

In summary, I really liked this book. I could say it is one of my favorites, because it really inspired me to stay strong. The games he played were horrible, but he pulled through. He found hope when there was none. Dave Pelzer is truly a strong person and that is why he made it through.

I liked this book and I give it five stars.

Unknown said...

Book title and author: Mockingjay Suzanne Collins, 2010
Title of review:
Number of stars (1-5): *****
Hannah Floyd

Mockingjay is a story told by Katniss Everdeen a victor of the 74th and 75th Hunger Games. The setting takes place in futuristic times, in Panem. It takes place in the United States after being destroyed in the war. Katniss Everdeen is the protagonist in the story. The novel published in 2010 was written by Suzanne Collins, to inform people on what might happen if the government collapses.

Katniss Everdeen is one of the only people to survive from her hometown. There are now two sides to Panem, a rebel side or the Capitol. Katniss was taken by the rebel side, when she was brought back into the arena for the Quarter Quell. At this time they are taken back to District 13, which longs to exist, or so they think. During this book there is a love story between Katniss and Peeta, and Katniss and Gale. With two sides and Katniss symbolizing the mockingjay on one of them, the outcome is favored. Although it may seem easy, Katniss struggles fulfilling the part of the mockingjay. Katniss Everdeen, Gale Hawthrone, and Peeta Mellark must fight to take over Panem.

The book Mockingjay was written by Suzanne Collins, and was written 60 years after the United States was destroyed. This novel is based on a dystopian society. Mockingjay is the final book to the trilogy, starting of course with the Hunger Games. It is an interesting account told by Katniss Everdeen, the main character. The Hunger Games is just how it sounds, a gruesome way for the Capitol to take control.

A story none like the others, Mockingjay based on a dystopian society, will remain the most exciting book I have ever read, along with the rest of the trilogy. As Katniss Everdeen, the girl on fire, and now the mockingjay takes her place in power. Suzanne Collins wrote this novel and was published in 2010, it has been a big hit ever since!

I really enjoyed reading the book Mockingjay, it was a thrilling conclusion but also had a few cliff hangers thrown in there. I can’t wait to read more like it.

Unknown said...

By Hayden Sliger
Book title and author: A Child Called “It”
Title of review: A Child Called “It”
Number of stars:*****
A Child Called “It” is a type of biography called a memoire. It is the first book out of three, written by Dave Pelzer. This book is also the most popular of the books he has written. This book is known as one of the most well-known child abuse stories ever. All of Dave Pelzer’s books are real too! This is why his books are so moving. This book is a best seller for many places and stores because of its moving and inspirational power.

Dave Pelzer was a boy living a normal life, until his mother changed. Out of nowhere, she had gotten mean and cruel. Dave had no idea why. His mother started playing torturous games. Her games were very dangerous and unbelievably horrible. His mother also kept him from food, bathrooms, and a bed. Even when he got the luxury of food, it was garbage. All of his clothes were never washed and he had holes all in them. Life was almost in his mind until the day he was taken away. He was put in good hands and became okay again.

I thought that this book was very moving. Dave Pelzer stayed strong when it got tough and I liked that. This book is one of my favorites, but it is hard to read. With all of the bad games, I felt what he felt. I felt like I was with him or even in his place. Even to imagine what he went though is hard. Overall I liked this book a lot.

In summary, I really liked this book. I could say it is one of my favorites, because it really inspired me to stay strong. The games he played were horrible, but he pulled through. He found hope when there was none. Dave Pelzer is truly a strong person and that is why he made it through.

I liked this book and I give it five stars.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Book title; S.E. Hinton The Outsiders
Title of review: My opinions and thoughts on The Outsiders
Number of stars: 4 stars
Written by: Olivia Caston
The Outsiders was written in by S.E. Hinton and published in 1967. This book was told in first person point of view. S.E Hinton wrote this book based off her friend that had gotten beat up one day walking home after school, and she just added more to the story. She was named “The Voice of the Youth” because she wrote this book in a boy’s perspective and she was a girl. After this book was written she changed people’s opinions on if women could write a book or not. People were amazed at how well she wrote it and how well she did.
The main points in this book are when Ponyboy and Johnny kill Bob, when the church caught fire, and when Dally and Johnny die in the hospital. Ponyboy and Johnny walked to the park and were trying to get their anger out after they just got into a conflict with the Socs. The Socs and Greasers started to fist fight at the park, but when one of the Socs tried drowning Ponyboy and he was struggling for oxygen. Johnny freaked out and stabbed Bob, so Ponyboy could live. He didn’t mean to kill him though. He only wanted to scare him or shake him up a bit. The boys run to Dally were he gives them a tip on were to hide from the police, and everyone in town. Later on in the book the church they were hiding at caught fire maybe from their ciggerates or the kids that were stuck inside. Dally, Ponyboy, and Johnny all go inside the church to try to save the children’s lives. In the process of saving the kid’s lives the Greasers put their lives in risk, but Dally and Johnny got hurt the worst. They stayed in the hospital for a while, but they couldn’t make it. Both boys ended up dying and leaving all the boys sad and miserable, but this conflict taught the boys a lesson.
I enjoyed this book and highly recommend it for everyone who can read. This book showed problems, love, and friendship all in one story. It had wonderful organization and transitions.
In conclusion, S.E Hinton did an excellent job writing this story. She explained everything with wonderful detail, and she kept the conflicts in order and didn’t mix anything up. I would love to read another book of hers, but The Outsiders is probably the best book she has ever written. She proved that girls can write just like boys even with a boy’s perspective.
I love this book and I give it 4 stars.

Unknown said...

Book Title: S.E. Hinton The Outsiders
Title of review: My Thoughts on The Outsiders
Number of stars (1 to 5):*****
Written by: Haylee Jewell
The book I chose, The Outsiders, was written by S.E. Hinton. The novel is written in first person point of view and it takes place in Oklahoma. Hinton was only fifteen when she began writing this book in 1965. I thought that was very interesting. She also based the setting on the neighborhood she grew up in, what went on, and her lifestyle. The protagonist is a boy named Ponyboy. I think that Hinton wrote this novel to people what really goes on between teenagers and that people are not always what they seem to be.
The Outsiders follows a teenage boy named Ponyboy who is trying to fit in. He feels like he can never seem to please his older brother, Darry. One night, things go too far when Ponyboy’s best buddy, Johnny, accidentally murders someone. The two friends seek help from another member of their gang and decide to run away. Ponyboy and Johnny stay in hiding for a week until it is safe to leave. Eventually, they go back to the church to find it on fire. After saving the children inside, Ponyboy, Johnny, and their friend Dallas are taken to the hospital. Later on in the novel, Johnny and Dallas die.
I enjoyed reading this novel very much. It can teach you things you never would have discovered on your own. The Outsiders shows you how things really are, unlike most stories. I have read countless books where everyone has a happy ending, which does not happen in reality. Another thing I loved about the novel was that it was told through a flashback. I wish that the book would have been longer or the author told the reader what happened to the characters after the events of the story. I also would have liked to learn more about the characters.
In conclusion, I believe that S.E. Hinton did an excellent job writing The Outsiders. The book is very relatable for teenagers nationwide. Also, the book may change the way you look at those around you. The main character in this story judges a group of teenagers because of how they dress and act. Later on, he finds out his prediction was wrong. That is a valuable lesson for teenagers everywhere.
I was very impressed by this novel. I am giving this book a five star rating.

Unknown said...

Kinsey Hershberger 1&2

Book title and author:
A Child Called “It” by Dave Pelzer.

Title of review:
A Child Called “It”

Number of stars:

Kinsey Hershberger

A Child Called “It” is a memoir written by Dave Pelzer in the year of 1995. This is the first of three books he has written. It is in first person; the whole story is told from the eyes of young David.

Dave Pelzer was beaten and starved by his alcoholic mother. She played torturous games that he had to learn how to play in order to survive. At first, his father tried to help him by sticking up for him or sneaking him a little bit of food after dinner. After a while, Dave’s father decided it wasn’t worth it. He drank and didn’t come home for days at a time. Dave tried not to let his mother see him cry. He did not want her to think she won. His dreams of being loved and cared for kept him going. His strength and courage kept him alive.

I really enjoyed this book. At certain parts it was extremely hard to continue reading because you just could never imagine someone being so cruel. Dave Pelzer has an amazing story of strength, courage, and bravery and this book tells it very well.

A Child Called “It” is a moving story of a young boy and his will to survive. If I made a list of my top five favorite books, this one would definitely be on it. I think I liked it a lot because it is written so well you almost feel like you’re there watching it. These kinds of books interest me because I want to have a job something along the lines of a social worker, to work with these kinds of situations.

In the final analysis, I think it was a great book. I want to read the other books he has written!

Unknown said...

Book title: The outsiders
Author: S.E Hinton
Title of review : a review of the outsiders
Number of stars:*****
Hakkiem Ervin
In 1967s Oklahoma back street lived a boy named Ponyboy. He lived with his brothers Darry, and Sodapop and their friends Johnny, Dallas, Two-bit, Steve. S.E Hinton writes a groundbreaking book about a boy trying to find acceptances and trying to find out who he is in the world. Hinton was 15 years old when she wrote this. She has also written lots of other books as well.
Ponyboy Curtis can rely on his brothers and his friends he can’t really count on anyone else. People look at him like a street rat especially the Socs who enjoy drinking, driving cars and beating up greasers like Ponyboy. At least he can envisage what happens. Until one night someone takes it to far. Is friendship thicker than blood or will blood shed. will ponyboy have the courage to with stand it all?
I like this novel because it tells of a compelling story of seven young men fight to survive. The things I have learned from this story is friendship is loyalty always be loyal to your friends. This novel has a lot of things we can learn from. We all need loyalty and we all need love no matter what. Your life is what you make it .
I was very awestruck by this book. I give this book a five star rate.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Book title and author; A Child Called It Dave Pelzer
Child Called It
Number of stars (1 to 5) ****
This book takes place in a little boy’s home were everything is good fun eat until your belly got full but that was only for a few years.
Around when he was six his mom had tried to burn him on the stove and he refused to get on there because he knew it was on so she didn’t like that. She tried to burn her own son. Dave’s brother had walked in the door then she stopped Dave’s arm had been burned then they went on like nothing happen.
Dave threw of the arm incident and forgot about it a little but it was good until she had a baby and shoved Dave’s face in a poop filled diaper. She would not let him eat anything he asked his dad for help and did nothing about it nor did his brothers. His mom made him sleep on an army cot in the garage and he had to scavenge food from the garbage that worked for a while until she kept putting ammonia in the trash so he got sick from it.
Things got even worse for him they called him an it like he wasn’t even a person. She would strip him naked in the bath room fill up the bath tub with cold water and put bleach in the room with ammonia in a bucket. She stabbed him and the wound got infected and he tried to clean it out to not let it get all over his body.
As you can see, this is not a place for a child to live in, it was terrible and Dave is a very strong boy and his mom is a very bad person same with his dad and brothers.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Book title and author: Mockingjay Suzanne Collins
Title of review: Mockingjay Book Review
Number of stars (1-5): *****
Kerry Carpenter

Mockingjay is the third book to the Hunger Games trilogy. This novel was written by Suzanne Collins in 2010. This dystopian story is told in the perspective of Katniss Everdeen. She is a victor of the 74th and 75th Hunger Games . It takes place after the United States is destroyed in the war. Throughout the novel, Katniss tries to save her loved ones and beat the capitol. Panem is the country, led by President Snow. He is the enemy.

Katniss Everdeen is chosen to be the sign of the rebellion during the war between the districts and the capitol. It is hard for her to do this because of all the distractions. One of the main reasons is because the capitol has captured Peeta. In the propos, she sees him and he looks as if he’s been tortured. She must put her feelings aside and become the Mockingjay, for her people. While fighting, she loses many of her loved ones and people that mean something to her. Snow sends her messages throughout the book to let her know he is watching. Eventually, Peeta is rescued by district 13 and is safe. Peeta, Gale, and Katniss must put their pain aside and fight to help the districts.

Mockingjay is the final book to the Hunger Games series, written by Suzanne Collins. This three books were very popular and the last one was published in 2010. This dystopian novel is told by Katniss Everdeen on her fight to save her loved ones and her country. In all three books, the capitol is always in control, until Katniss undergoes the power to control Panem.

This book is very different from anything I’ve read, being futuristic and a dystopian novel. Mockingjay has an exciting storyline that makes you keep flipping the page! During the book, you start to love Katniss and her strength.

I really enjoyed reading this novel in class. It left us at points where we were on the edge of our seats. I give Mockingjay 5 stars.

Unknown said...

Book title and author: Mocking Jay Suzanne Collins
Title of review: Mocking Jay
Number of stars: ****
Mikayla Moore
Mocking Jay is the third book of The Hunger Games. Mocking Jay is part of a series. The book was written by Suzanne Collins. It is a novel.
This book has a love story between Katniss and Peeta and Katniss and Gale. Peeta is being held in the capitol and the quarter quell. Katniss is in district 13 with Gale and her family .People in district 13 starts to make a star squad to get the people in the capitol out. The capitol changed Peeta and that is the one thing that Peeta did not want them to do that.
Katniss agrees to me the mocking jay. Katniss and the star squad start making pro pros to send to the people in the capitol. The capitol saw what they were doing and they started making some too. They used Peeta as a weapon to weaken Katniss because of how much they changed him.
They finally get Peeta and the others out. When Katniss goes to say hello to Peeta he tries to kill her because that is what Snow wants him to do. After that things are not the same between Katniss and Peeta. Katniss just wants the old Peeta back. People in district 13 try to help get Peeta’s memory back. They try showing him old videos of him and Katniss but in does not help.
In the final review I think it was a pretty good book. Mocking Jay should get four stars

Mikayla Moore 1\2 period

Unknown said...

Book title and author: Mockingjay; Suzanne Collins; 2010
Title of Review: Mockingjay book review
Number of stars (1 to 5):*****
Chris McLaughlin

The book Mockingjay is a novel thiat is written by Suzanne Collins that takes place 75 years after the United States is destroyed. After the United States is destroyed, a new government took over and they named the new country Panem. Their world is now a dystopia with the Capitol in power. The districts are starting to rebel to have freedom from this dictatorship. This is the third book in the Hunger Games trilogy. Throughout the three novels, the districts are slowly realizing that the Capitol only functions because of them. Now if they stop working for them, the Capitol will fall.

In the book Mockingjay, Katniss is taken to district 13. There, she becomes the Mockingjay, the head of the rebels. Katniss is given scripts on what to say in the propos, but is no good at reading them so they send her into real combat. She now shows the country what the Capitol is really like, like bombing a hospital full of the wounded. Mostly all the districts join the rebellion except for 2. Before being sent to 2, President Coin sends in a rescue team to get Peeta back from the Capitol. The Capitol hijacked Peeta and made him think Katniss was life-threatening. She can’t handle this and so she finally goes to 2, where she is shot on live television. Finally, she is sent to the Capitol and kills President Coin.

I loved reading the Hunger Games trilogy, especially this book. I liked it because it was full of action but in a different way. It was different from the other Hunger Games books. I liked the twists throughout, but I thought it was too long. I have read this book three times and enjoy it every time. Even though I know every part of the book, I still find it interesting. Reading this book helped me like other long books.

Katniss Everdeen has the power to change Panem. To do that, she needs to rally up the districts to overthrow the Capitol. She can’t do it alone; she needs help of the rebels and district 13, but doesn’t know who to trust. Katniss must become the Mockingjay to lead the rebels to victory, no matter what the personal cost. She was taken out of the arena, her family was saved, they were accepted into 13, but who can she trust?

I rate this book 5 stars because it is unique from the others. I would read this again if I get the chance.

Michael Floyd said...

Book Title and Author: The Outsiders, S.E. Hinton
Title of Review: The Outsiders Book Review
Number of Stars (1-5): ****
Michael Floyd
The Outsiders is the fourth book that S.E. Hinton has written. One interesting fact is that S.E. Hinton published The Outsiders when she was only 16 years old. This book was published in the 1960’s and is still very popular. She has written several other books besides The Outsiders. The person who tells the story is Ponyboy.
This book mainly focuses on two gangs in this book. One gang is called the “Soc’s”. The Soc’s are well-dressed and they live on West Side. On the other hand, the “Greasers” aren’t as wealthy as the Soc’s and they live on East Side. The Soc’s always surprise the Greasers when they show up on their side of town trying to start a rumble. Both of these gangs liked to fight to see who had a better gang. Many people ended up severely wounded or dead from fighting against each other. The Soc’s normally would end up winning a rumble, but the Greasers finally defeated them.
I thought that this was a well-written book and very entertaining to read. This book kept your attention, because you were anxious to see what was going to happen next. This is probably my favorite book that S.E. Hinton has written. Another reason I like this book is because I thought it was easy to understand what was happening.
This story was mostly about two gangs who would fight against each other to see who was tougher. The Greasers were poorly dressed and the Soc’s were well-dressed and very wealthy. The Soc’s would always surprise the Greasers to start a rumble. The Soc’s normally would win the battle but the Greasers won the last rumble.
I enjoyed reading The Outsiders because it was very interesting to read. I rated this book with 4 stars.

Unknown said...

Book title and author: Rumble Fish by S.E. Hinton
Title of Review: Rumble Fish Book Review
Number of Stars (1-5): ****
Caleb Rice
Rumble Fish is a book, second in its series, which was created upon S.E. Hinton’s actual life event of her friend being jumped and attacked on the way to their home. This novel was published not to long after S.E. Hinton’s book The Outsiders. This is a book that Rumble Fish is continuing. The main character went by the name Rusty-James. This character was a young, but smart character in the book.
The fourteen year old kid, Rusty-James, is a lost kid. Some people think he’s bad, but he just doesn’t have the right surroundings to guide him. He wants to be Just like his older brother. His Brother goes by Motorcycle-boy in the story. He is about seventeen years of age. Throughout the story he has Rusty-James back and makes sure he doesn’t get hurt. In the meantime, Rusty-James finds out a lot about his family by hanging out with his brother. His brother ends up taking him down the wrong road where Rusty-James gets very injured and his brother dies. In the future, he meets up with an old gang member who was his friend. There, on a beach, they talk about the good times and bad of the past
Rumble Fish takes place back around the 1960’s. It takes the theme of gangs and there hatred, but reveals the true message of the story. It is the life of a young boy heading the wrong way in life. It is the fifth book in the books she has made. It is truly a touching book.
The end of the book was quiet. It was like a swift wind in the forest. Everything settled down. The people faded. The book settled down and everything went blank.
I really enjoyed this book. It was touching and very moving.

Unknown said...

Book title and author: ‘A Child Called “It” By; David Pelzer
Title of review: A Child Called “It” is and unforgettable account of one of the worst cases of child abuse the state of California history. It’s a story of David Pelzer who was brutally beaten and starved by his witch of a mother. The mother played torturous games on David until it left him near death. See David found a way to play his mother’s game to survive. His mother no longer saw him as a son; but now a slave; and no longer a boy; but an “it”.
Number of stars (1 to 5): ****
“A Child Called “It”, was a book written by David Pelzer. David Pelzer has written three books about his child life but this one is the most well-know. See “A Child Called “it” is a memory. David had to fight his whole life from nearly being killed by his crazy mother. The whole story takes place in Dale City, Cal. 1973. The abuse lasted for about five years. The whole story is told through David’s eyes. The book was published in 1995. The protagonist is David Pelzer. The theme is to never give up because sooner or later it will get better.
This whole book is just actioned packed but a couple of the most important part is. See David wasn’t a popular kid at school because he wore an old shirt with holes all in it. So all the kids called him Swiss cheese. Also there is a part were David did something wrong and his mother stabbed him with a kitchen knives. She would also put in in the bathroom with the door locked and Air vent closed she put Ammonia and Bleach together and almost choked him to death. She did so many gross thing that I didn’t want to eat after reading this book. She made him eat his little Brothers poop/vomit. Also she put raw meat in the trash with lime over it so he couldn’t eat it.
I really like this book because it taught me a lot about not giving up. It is the first book in a trilogy. It is one of the most important book is the three part serious.
So this whole story was a life lesson to not just us but to parents to. It’s about never to give up. Also parent if you’re not ready for a kid give him to a better family so it doesn’t hurt him nor you.
I really like this book it taught me a lot. I would give it four stars

Unknown said...

Book title, and author; Rumblefish by S.E. Hinton
Title of review; The Rumblefish
Number of stars- ****
Nihya Williams
Rumblefish written by S.E. Hinton, copyrighted in 1975, is a story about a boy who doesn’t belong where he is at. The POV of the book is in 15 year old Rusty James’s eyes. S.E. Hinton is a girl but she uses her initials to make her sound more like a boy. She does this because mostly people didn’t want to hear a gang related story coming from a girl. She was inspired to write about tough situations because of something that happened to her childhood friend. Hinton didn’t want people to write her off because she was a girl talking about what boys go through. Rumblefish is a continuation of her first book The Outsiders which talks about growing up in tough situations.

A Rumblefish is a dangerous fish. It will attack anything near it and if you would put a mirror in front of it, then it would likely kill itself. That is the main character; Rusty James acts. As number on tough cat James will fight whoever to keep his spot. Sometimes for territory sometimes for fun getting into fights and winning is what he does to show everyone just how tough he is. As number on tough cat James will fight whoever to keep his spot. Sometimes for territory sometimes for fun getting into fights and winning is what he does to show everyone just how tough he is. He is looked up to everywhere but at home where he is barley acknowledged. His father is an alcoholic and his mom is nowhere near involved in his life so to be liked Rusty James feels as if to be liked he has to use his fists. Whenever he finds himself in trouble his older distraught brother the Motorcycle Boy is there to bail him out. But when he’s not a mirror is put in front of him and he ends up destroying everyone around him along with his self.

I liked the book and would recommend it for anyone. It is a nice story and it always keeps your attention because you never know what might happen. It doesn’t sugarcoat anything and is realistic. It tells things that could happen in real life. People with real problems that sometimes don’t have resolutions. S.E. Hinton is a great writer and I enjoy reading her books it makes me look at things differently.

In conclusion, S.E. Hinton is a good writer and tells that not all gang relation is bad or by choice. I recommend not only Rumblefish but her other book that she wrote at at age 15 The Outsiders. They are both well written and tell stories deeper than you would think by first glance.

I give Rumblefish a thumbs up and I applaud Hinton. She wrote the book to tell her story and she’s inspired me.

Unknown said...

Book tittle and author: The Outsiders, S.E. Hinton
Tittle of review: My review of S.E. Hinton’s The Outsiders
Number of stars (1-5): *****
AnnaBelle Phillips
The book The outsiders was based on a true story. The setting is in an old town. On the East side of the town are the greasers. Greasers are like kids that have really greasy long hair. On the west are the Socs . Socs are the rich kids who beat up greasers for fun. Ponyboy, the main character, has the point of view in the story. The author is S.E. Hinton. Hinton was fifteen when she wrote the book but the book was published when she was sixteen. The theme to the story is old fashion, you know with the old fashion town, and other stuff.
The Book is about how Ponyboy, and his brothers and friends. Ponyboy starts the story off with him walking home and getting beaten up by the socs. But later on a few days later Ponyboy’s friend Johnny takes it a little far when a he stabs a soc. shocking right? Well they end up running away; hiding from the reality that he stabbed a soc pony boy being a good friend goes along. They go to a new town and hide in a banded church. When they leave one day to go eat they come back to a burning church. Their where people surrounding it. The people were saying that there were children in the church. So Ponyboy and Johnny save the day but unlucky Johnny gets paralyzed and a few days later he dies. Ponyboys other friend gets so upset he robs a store and acts like he was going to shoot a cop and he gets shot.
This story was written by S.E. Hinton who later on writes a book called Rumble fish. This book is about a group of teen boys who are like gangs and get in fights. We have ponyboy and his brothers’ soda pop and darry. Plus his friends dally and johnny.
In conclusion, pony boy got beaten up. Johnny stabbed a soc , and ran away with pony boy. The church caught on fire. Pony boy and Johnny saved kids’ lives. Johnny gets paralyzed then dies. And dally gets shot. All of those are the main points in the story.
I like this book because of the heroic actions, the adventures they go on. I rate this book with 5 stars.

Kennedy Wilfong said...

Book title and author: The Outsiders, By: S.E. Hinton
Title of Review: a review of the Outsiders
Number of Stars (1 to 5): *****
Kennedy Wilfong
The book I picked to do was “The Outsiders”, a nonfictional novel. This book was written in 1967. It is a very entertaining book and has a lot of detail to it. It was written by a 15 year old girl named S.E. Hinton. The protagonist to the story was the Socs who lived on the east side and were the rich and nasty people. The greasers lived on the west side and were poor and didn’t have the nicest clothes. This book was made into a series of books. Someday I’d like to read all of S.E. Hinton’s novels.
The two groups were rivals and wanted nothing to do with each other. Pony boy and his group were part of the greasers. There were a total of 7 people in his group. Their names were Pony Boy, Soda Pop, Darry, Dallas, Johnny, Two Bit, and Steve. The Socs thought it was cool to fight the greasers. One night, Johnny and Pony Boy got in a fight with 2 Socs. Johnny killed one of the Socs and because of that he and Pony Boy had to run away. Dallas helped them by bringing them food and supplies. They went somewhere, and when they came back the church was burning. There were children inside! They all three went into the building to save the children. Johnny was in so much pain from third degree burn. Pony Boy and Dallas had to take Johnny to the emergency room. They were upset because Johnny was in the hospital and the big rumble was tonight. They had to do it without him because they were not going to let the Socs win.
I really liked reading this book because it was very interesting. It had a lot of action scenes and fighting. Something I didn’t like about it was how there was deaths and sad parts. S.E. Hinton wrote this book based on something that had happened to her friend in the past, which I thought was really cool. There was a lot of detail in this book. They explained everything in little pieces.
That night was the rumble, the biggest fight between the Socs and the Greasers. The greasers finally won the rumble against the Socs. They were so happy that they went back to the hospital to tell Johnny all about it. While they were telling Johnny all about the rumble and how they won, he closed his eyes and never opened them again. Johnny was dead.
I liked how this story was a actioned scene book. I didn’t like how it was really sad, and there was a lot of deaths.

Unknown said...

Book title and author: The Outsiders, By S.E. Hinton
Title of Review: a review of The Outsiders
Number of stars (1 to 5): *****
Brittan Simms
This book was called The Outsiders. The author of this book was named S.E. Hinton. It was based on a true story which made it a novel. It was read in first person. The book was published in 1967. This story really brought my attention because it was based on her friend that got beat up on his way home from school. In the beginning of this book it started as showing us a little clip into the future, then it began showing as a flashback. This book was made into a series. I’d really like to read them sometime!
Where Ponyboy lives there’s two different groups located on the West and East. They were called the Greasers and the Socs. Ponyboy and his group were apart of the greasers. There was a total of seven people in his group, they were Soda pop , Darry , Dallas , Johnny , Two-Bit , Steve , and himself. The Socs were rich kids who thought it was cool to fight with the Greasers. One night Johnny and Ponyboy got in a fight with some of the Socs. Johnny killed a soc and because of that they had to run away! Dallas helped them and had to run far away! Dallas helped them and took them out to lunch. When they got back to the church they were staying in was on fire with little kids trapped inside. All three of them helped to get them out and had to suffer the hard way. Johnny died by third degree burns Dallas died by all the pain he had by when Johnny died.
This book is definitely my favorite book we’ve read this year. There was a lot of different things I liked about this book. I thought it was cool how it was based on one of her friends that did actually get hurt in real life. Even though it’s sad that he did get hurt , it made a good story. The movie that went along with this book was really good too. It revolved around the book really good.
In conclusion , I really liked this book. The story background for this book was really good. I think you should read this book or have your class read it out loud. You will really enjoy this book. The movie that goes along with this book also is amazing. She made sure that she detailed the book good. For all of the characters you could feel connected to them because of how good she explained and put them.
I liked how this book went on and had a good story background. I didn’t like how sad it was to see some of them die and get hurt.

Unknown said...

Book title and author: Rumblefish by S.E. Hinton
Title of review: My review of Rumblefish
Number of stars (1 to 5): ****
Courtney Myers
This book was written by S.E. Hinton. She wrote Rumblefish in 1975. The protagonist of the story is Rusty because he is the one the group who thinks differently of all the things going on in the story. The theme of the story is mainly carried out by another main character in the story called Motorcycle Boy. He does not care about anyone but himself. The point of view in seen through Rusty’s eyes, the reason is that he sees things like no one else in group. The setting of the story is in this old town that is hard to leave except for his brother Motorcycle Boy.
Rusty James is the head person or, the big cat on the toughness scale. He and his friends like to hang out at Benny’s to eat and play pool. They are all in a group not a gang. They think gangs are from back then. Rusty also has a reputation for not being able to be beat in a fight. Motorcycle Boy is who Rusty relies on to help him get out of trouble in fights. He also licked the rush in getting into trouble so he does things on purpose witch he pays for at the end.
This was also written by the author of,” The Outsiders “. The book had teen groups fighting for fun and for the rush. You have the nice person in the group and the mysteries one. I love that they have groups and not gangs.
Now that you see what the book is about will you read it or on of S.E. Hinton’s other books? Rusty James might be like you and you will love this book because of it. They stick together in the story until the end.
I give this book four stars because it was so good with the action. I think you should read it.

Unknown said...

Mocking jay by Suzanne Collins
Mocking jay
Number of stars (1-5) ***
The book I’m writing is mocking jay by Suzanne Collins. This book is about a young girl who is a victor of the 74 hunger games and is on an aircraft to district 13. Now she has to become a rebel symbol for the rebellion against the capital. But later she has courage in the hearts of other districts. To them she is the symbol she is the mocking jay.
Katniss Everdeen the girl on fire has just struck back at the capital and is the symbol of the rebellion. Now she hast to make videos to convince more districts that the capital is the worst thing on the planet. But then she hast to be the very heart of the rebels she has to be the mocking jay. Once she did she had to go to district to district helping the people who need the spirit of the mocking jay.
Suzanne Collins made this book to end the hunger games trilogy. Mocking jay was one of the best book series in New York Times. Suzanne Collins made some good books like hunger games and catching fire. But she did not do well on the movie hunger games. Suzanne should make a book about haymich and his time in the hunger games.
I’m doing a book that Suzanne Collins made it is called the mocking jay. It’s about a young girl that just struck back at the capital and has been in a coma two months. After she healed she was asked to be the symbol of the rebellion. But she declined until she saw what the capital was doing to the innocent people of the rebellion. She was willing under two things get her friends out of the capital and gives finick his girlfriend back as well.
In conclusion I think mocking jay was the best book since catching fire come I think she should make more books and movies.

BY Reggie Riley

Jackie Constable said...

Book Title and Author: Child Called It by: Dave Pelzer
Title of Review: My Thought about the Book ‘The Boy Called It’
Number of Stars: *****
You’re Name: Taylor Odell
Introduction: The book ‘The Boy Called It’ is an autobiography because the author is telling this story about his childhood life. The author’s name is Dave Pelzer. This stories time took place in Daly City, California on March 5, 1997. Dave Pelzer wrote this book in 1995. He wrote this book to tell everybody how terrible it is to be abused and how exactly his life of being abused went. He told everybody that reads this book about the lessons he has learned, the little games his mother played, he learned how to survive his mother’s beatings etc.
Description and Summary of Main Points: A young boy named Dave Pelzer was a wonderful kid. Said his life was perfect. He had brothers and two amazing parents. Until his mother became an alcoholic. She brutally decided to beat Dave. When he did well in school, she would turn it into something bad and tell his brothers that he was a bad boy. She would then beat him for his “misbehavior.” She also starved him, always gave him scraps of food that the dogs wouldn’t even eat. Dave had to sleep in the basement, his mother said, “good boys deserve to sleep in beds but he was not good boy. “ She even said that he didn’t even deserve his name anymore so she decided to call him “it.” Dave always looked at his dad as a hero. He loved it when his dad was home because his mother never beat him. Every time his dad left to go to work, he hated it. His mother told his brothers that they weren’t allowed to talk or play with Dave because they were “perfect” and that he was not. “Bad boys” weren’t allowed to play anymore, only clean and get beaten.
Evaluation: The book “The Child Called It” was a powerful book. I can’t really say I liked it because it was brutal book of a young boy getting beaten by his mother. He was a good child. It was disturbing of what the mother did to him. Anybody that would read this book would think the things she does to him are horrible. There not even good to explain because you want to cry every time you hear or read about it. He was only about around the age of ten, horrible mothers.
Conclusion: This book was something good but yet to read. The author was trying to tell everybody the horrible things that happened to him and try to stop the abusing because it’s horrible. He has been through a lot and didn’t have a parent to look up too anymore. He felt empty and cold because he felt like nobody loved him or wanted him. Dave told himself that he couldn’t feel bad for himself that he needs to stand up and face his mother’s games. In this book he wants kids and adults that have gotten bullied, abused, emotionally hurt that he has been through the same thing and that their not alone with this problem. He wants parents to know that they should always love their children because they’re going to make mistakes in their life but it doesn’t mean you need to start abusing them or say something wrong to them. Or when your child is in school and is getting bullied that you should help them with the problem.
Your Final Review: I recommend this book because it’s something that parents and children should read. It teaches life lessons and tells about his life stories. What he did when he was a little kid.

Jackie Constable said...

Book Title and Author: Child Called It by: Dave Pelzer
Title of Review: My Thought about the Book ‘The Boy Called It’
Number of Stars: *****
You’re Name: Taylor Odell
Introduction: The book ‘The Boy Called It’ is an autobiography because the author is telling this story about his childhood life. The author’s name is Dave Pelzer. This stories time took place in Daly City, California on March 5, 1997. Dave Pelzer wrote this book in 1995. He wrote this book to tell everybody how terrible it is to be abused and how exactly his life of being abused went. He told everybody that reads this book about the lessons he has learned, the little games his mother played, he learned how to survive his mother’s beatings etc.
Description and Summary of Main Points: A young boy named Dave Pelzer was a wonderful kid. Said his life was perfect. He had brothers and two amazing parents. Until his mother became an alcoholic. She brutally decided to beat Dave. When he did well in school, she would turn it into something bad and tell his brothers that he was a bad boy. She would then beat him for his “misbehavior.” She also starved him, always gave him scraps of food that the dogs wouldn’t even eat. Dave had to sleep in the basement, his mother said, “good boys deserve to sleep in beds but he was not good boy. “ She even said that he didn’t even deserve his name anymore so she decided to call him “it.” Dave always looked at his dad as a hero. He loved it when his dad was home because his mother never beat him. Every time his dad left to go to work, he hated it. His mother told his brothers that they weren’t allowed to talk or play with Dave because they were “perfect” and that he was not. “Bad boys” weren’t allowed to play anymore, only clean and get beaten.
Evaluation: The book “The Child Called It” was a powerful book. I can’t really say I liked it because it was brutal book of a young boy getting beaten by his mother. He was a good child. It was disturbing of what the mother did to him. Anybody that would read this book would think the things she does to him are horrible. There not even good to explain because you want to cry every time you hear or read about it. He was only about around the age of ten, horrible mothers.
Conclusion: This book was something good but yet to read. The author was trying to tell everybody the horrible things that happened to him and try to stop the abusing because it’s horrible. He has been through a lot and didn’t have a parent to look up too anymore. He felt empty and cold because he felt like nobody loved him or wanted him. Dave told himself that he couldn’t feel bad for himself that he needs to stand up and face his mother’s games. In this book he wants kids and adults that have gotten bullied, abused, emotionally hurt that he has been through the same thing and that their not alone with this problem. He wants parents to know that they should always love their children because they’re going to make mistakes in their life but it doesn’t mean you need to start abusing them or say something wrong to them. Or when your child is in school and is getting bullied that you should help them with the problem.
Your Final Review: I recommend this book because it’s something that parents and children should read. It teaches life lessons and tells about his life stories. What he did when he was a little kid.

Unknown said...

Book title and author: The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton
Title of review: My Review of The Outsiders
Number of Stars: *****
My name: Corey Hughes
Introduction: The title of my book is The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton. This book is a novel, which means it is fiction. This book was written in the year of 1997. The main protagonist in this story is Ponyboy Curtis. This book also takes place in the late 1980s, early 1990s in the city of New Jersey.
Description and summary of main points: This story opens up when main protagonist, Ponyboy Curtis, is on his way home from the movies, when he is jumped by five of the Socs, a west-side, rich kid gang in New Jersey. His brothers, Sodapop and Darrell, help him. Later on in the story, another kid in the gang, called the Greasers, named Johnny, kills one of the Socs that jumped Pony. So, this means that they have to go into hiding so they aren’t arrested. In result, Johnny is severly burned. Every year, the Socs and Greasers have a big riot on each other, called The Rumble, so after the Rumble happens Johnny dies in the hospital. This makes is best friend, Dallas Winston, go nuts so he robs a store and is shot down by the police.
Evaluation: I, honestly, really loved this book. It is inspirational to me in various ways. The main character, Ponyboy, reminds me so much of myself, by the way he acts and feels on the main problems in the story. There are many things that the characters do to react to they’re problems that I would do the same myself.
Conclusion: The conclusion of this novel is when Ponyboy finally realizes what Johnny was saying when he told him to “stay golden.” He knows that he was referring to his soul. Ponyboy is golden by heart, and Johnny doesn’t want him making the wrong decisions to change that.
Final review: I recommend this novel, because it was very inspirational to me and it gave a lot of detail in the main parts of what Ponyboy was going through.

Unknown said...

Book title and author: Mocking Jay by Susanne Collins Jason Prichard
Title of review: Mocking Jay
Number of stars: ****
To begin, Mocking Jay starts out in district 12. The main character is Katniss Everdeen. Mocking Jay is a novel written in 2010. The author is Suzanne Collins. It is the third book of the Hunger Games series. The Hunger Games and Catching Fire are the first two books.
To tell a little about, Katniss’s home, district 12, is bombed. After an epidemic that destroys the world Panem arises. Katniss’s mission is to unite all the districts against the capital. She lives in district 13 under Alma’s rule. Snow is the president of Panem. Katniss reaches the capital as the Mocking Jay, the face of the rebellion. Her sister is killed and she kills Alma. Snow end ups dying at the capital. At the end Katniss goes home to district 12.
My opinion, I liked Mocking Jay. It had some surprises I didn’t see coming. Also I could visualize everything going on. It is my second favorite book we read this year. It was full of action. It never bored me or made me tired. I was always eager to read on.
To conclude, I over all liked Mocking Jay. I thought it was a good book. It wasn’t boring and was full of action. There were many surprises too! I recommend this book to anyone who likes surprises, action, and a good book!
To tell my final review, I liked Mocking Jay. I recommend this book to anyone who likes surprises, action, and a good book!

Unknown said...

Book title and author: Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
Title of review: Mockingjay review
Number of stars (1 to 5): 4
Lexi Haberland

The name of my book is Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins. It is the third following book of the sequel The Hunger Games. It was written and published in 2010. The setting takes place in a new future civilization after a world war. The protagonist in this novel is Katniss Everdeen, a victor of district twelve. It is written in third person, as Katniss is telling the events going on. The theme of this book is to always keep an eye on the government; they aren’t always as good as they are made out to be.
After surviving the 75th annual Hunger Games, Katniss awakes to hear President Snow has bombed, her home, District 12. Now there is only one objective left on Katniss’ list, to kill President Snow. After healing and revisiting her fallen district, District 13 plots to take over the districts one-by-one. Then they will overthrow the Capitol, not without dying and brainwashed victors and power lust presidents. All of this is done for the districts, including Katniss to obtain peace and tranquility nationwide. After all of the hard work, it all succeeds. At the end of the day Katniss and Peeta end up together with two children.
I liked Mockingjay; there were some parts that were excruciatingly sad. I hated which characters were chosen to die. Finnick and Gale were my favorite guy characters in the book. I disliked how after all of that hard work to win Katniss’ heart, Gale just picks up his stuff and moves to District 2, without even a goodbye.
Therefore, the whole country was saved. Katniss married Peeta, and had two kids. They lived in Victor’s Village, The only part of 12 that wasn’t destroyed. A President from 8 was elected to run all of Panem. Gale got a job in 2 and left Katniss forever.
As for my final review, I really enjoyed how the ending panned out. I really loved how they revolutionized the brainwashing, and now he is happily with Katniss forever. This book kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time. I would for sure recommend this book for any reader

Unknown said...

Book title and author: The Outsiders- S.E. Hinton
Title of review: Book Review: The Outsiders
Number of stars (1 to 5): ****
Tina Zheng
The Outsiders is a novel written by S.E. Hinton. This book was written on 1967 and told in first point of view. The story’s setting is in the state of Oklahoma in the 1960’s. S.E. Hinton wrote this book when she was a teenager in high school and her friend was attacked by a gang. It follows the protagonist, Ponyboy Curtis, who is a 14 year old greaser and belongs to a gang. The themes the author is trying to convey are loyalty, alienation, and family. The main aspects such as having greasers and Socs prove you have to be loyal. Since greasers are looked down upon, they are alienated. Finally, family plays a large part because Pony’s parents died and Johnny’s parents never cared for him.
They story begins with Ponyboy coming out of the movie theatre and getting jumped by 5 Socs. He’s in a gang which includes him, Dally, Darry, Soda, Steve, Two-Bit, and Johnny. Johnny, Dally, and Pony go to the Nightly Double and met Cherry and Marcia. They weren’t with their boyfriends because they were drunk. Pony runs away when Darry smacked him because he was out too late. Bob’s crew tries to drown Pony, but Johnny kills Bob. Dally helps them get away, so Johnny and Pony leave for Jay Mountain. They disguise themselves, and the church they hid in caught on fire. John is paralyzed from the waist down for saving kids in it. A rumble between Socs and greasers occurs, greaser win, and Johnny dies. Dally died since he couldn’t handle it. This whole book was a flashback.
I liked this book. I was never into gangs, but this book makes it so interesting. It touched life aspects powerfully and made you think. The characters were lovable, but I did have one problem. S.E. Hinton’s writing style was great, but some parts I didn’t really fathom. For example, the gang’s dialogue when they talked to each other is difficult for me to comprehend. I do understand it was for the book, but slang talk isn’t my thing.
Therefore, as you can see, this book revolved around gangs and groups. It told about life lessons. The characters were well perceived and presented. They had depth and the plot was progressed wonderfully. It may have been a little sad, but I respect S. E. Hinton for choosing the ending she had in mind. I thought the flashback addition taught you need to move on. Life is hard, but don’t let things hold you back.
Overall, I highly enjoy this book and do recommend it to middle grade readers and older. I believe S.E. Hinton has a gift for emotional books. Go out and read this book!

Unknown said...

Book title and author: Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
Title of review: Mockingjay Review
Number of stars (1 to 5): **** (4)
Gracie Tarley
The novel Mockingjay was written by Suzanne Collins in 2010. It’s the third book of the Hunger Games series. It takes place about 70-75 years into the future. I think it was written about the government. To show what could happen if there are no rules and no one got along. It’s written in third person. The protagonist is Katniss Everdeen. She is the leader of the revolution.
In the beginning of Mockingjay it starts with Katniss Everdeen in District 12. It’s her first time back in 12 since before the games and she finds that it’s all destroyed. Everything was burned down and thousands upon thousands of dead bodies are below her feet. A revolution has started. There are rebels, new leaders, and a new district. District 13 does exist and they’re planning to shut down the capitol and take over. President Coin is the leader of District 13 and hates Katniss. But she needs Katniss to be the Mockingjay. If Katniss is the Mockingjay then they can attack the capitol and get Peeta, Johanna, and Annie back. When they do overthrow the capitol and capture them back, Katniss kills President Coin and President Snow dies from abuse. The country is now at peace and so are Katniss and Peeta when they get married and have children.
I liked Mockingjay because I never got bored with the book. Some parts were sad. Some parts were kind of scary and gruesome. I didn’t like the characters that were chosen to die. I liked that Katniss and Peeta ended up getting married and have children.
Therefore, Panem became a peaceful country thanks to Katniss and Peeta. Not much was left off the country from all the uprising against the capitol except the Victor’s Villages. Katniss and Peeta got married and settled down in the Victor’s Village which is where they had their two children. Because of the uprising in District 12 they are going to have to live with all the burned bodies of District 12. Where their children are going to have to play and live.
I really liked this book. It was my favorite one out of the whole series of the Hunger Games. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes novels.

Unknown said...

Book title and author: Four Perfect Pebbles, by Suzanne Collins
Title of review: Four Perfect Pebbles
Number or stars: * * * *
The story Four Perfect Pebbles takes place in Germany during the time of the Holocaust and is historical nonfiction. The point of view is mostly from Marion Blumenthal Lazan. Marion wrote this story along with Lila Perl. It was written in 1996. The protagonist in the story is Marion Lazan because she always had hope of surviving, even with everything she went through. This story makes you grateful for what you have. Marion’s family went through a lot, but they always tried their hardest to keep their hopes for survival.
This story takes place in Germany while they were under the rule of Hitler. The Blumenthal family was Jewish, which wasn’t a very safe situation. As conditions for Jews got worse, they decided that they were going to move to the United States. However, they had sick parents so they decided to stay and take care of them. They stayed for a while, but as things got worse, they knew they had to go. They packed their bags and were told where to go. As an unpleasant surprise, they ended up at a concentration camp and were forced to stay there. The Blumenthal family was held there, and didn’t get to go to the United States. Marion’s father, Walter, died of a disease of disease when they were in contamination. They went through a lot while they were there, but after a while, they were freed and moved to the United States.
Although the book was sad, I thought it was very powerful. It gave you an idea of what the concentration camps were like. It explained the experience the Blumenthal family and everything they went through. What happened to them was completely indescribable and nobody should ever have to go through what they did. This story taught you to be grateful for what you have, because you never know when it could be taken away from you. The family had everything they owned destroyed or stolen. They even lost family members.
At the end of the story, Marion did make it out alive. She also had the company of her family, but today, only she lives to tell her story. Her father however, wasn’t as lucky. He passed away while he was at the concentration camp, which made it even harder for the Blumenthal family. After all they went through, they lost a family member. Eventually, they did make it to the United States, which is rewarding for all they went through. They could now eat and not have to worry about going back. Their family ended up safe after all of that time.
Overall, I enjoyed this book. It taught a lot about the Holocaust and everything they went through. It gives you a lot of information about the concentration camps that not very many people would be able to tell you about. I would recommend this to anyone interested in the Holocaust or anything from that time period.

Kaity Layman 4/5

Unknown said...

Book title and author: Mockinjay Suzane Collins
Title of review: Patrick’s Review
Number of stars (1-5): ****
The book Mocingjay is the third book in the Hunger Games series, written by Suzane Collins in 2010. The protagonist in this story is Katniss Everdeen, and she actually is the Mockingjay. The story takes place all over Panem, which is their country. In the story Katniss is the one telling it so therefore it is in first person. Now we move onto the theme. The theme is don’t stop fighting for your rights. Everyone has a voice. Nothing will change if you don’t take up for yourself. Don’t stop fighting for your rights.
Katniss Everdeen, the girl on fire, has joined the rebel side over the capitols. So President Snow is now after her. The capitol also has Peeta and Joanna captive and is torturing them. So Katniss obviously wants to rescue them so the rebels send in a team to get them. They succeed, but Peeta has been brainwashed. So while Katniss is shooting propaganda a real bomb goes off and kills Boggs. So at this point in time Peeta is only trying to kill Katniss sometimes, then they are on their way to kill Snow and Finnick gets killed from some human lizard things. Although there is chaos in the capitol, the rebel leader President Coin, kill a whole bunch of capitol kids including Prim, Katniss’s sister. So Katniss eventually gets to Snow but when they are at the trial she shoots Coin instead of Snow because of her killing the children, but Snow does die from choking on his own blood. So now Peeta is fine and they go back to district 12, which is blown up other than victor village, and they live happy ever after with two kids.
The book Mockingjay was actually good. I liked it a lot because it had a very nice plot twist. The best part was when she shoots Coin instead of Snow. Although the part where Snow dies wasn’t great. So in all it was a pleasant book to read.
So in all, you could say it was great, but it was just good. At least that is what I think. The only thing is, is that I think the author rushed the ending.
Would I recommend this book? Yes I would recommend this book to anyone who can read and understands literature. I liked this book.

Unknown said...

Book title and Author: Rumblefish S.E. Hinton
Title of Review:
Number of Stars: * * *
Rumblefish was written in 1968 by S.E. Hinton and she is very good at writing sad books and stuff that makes you want to cry if you read it too much and actually think about what she’s saying. All of her books take place in the 1960s and 1950s. When she was growing up there were ‘socs’ and ‘greasers’. They were to different social classes divided by money. She didn’t like the division and found it unjust, so she wrote about it. She wrote some of them because her close friend was a greaser and he was beat up by a group of socs and she based most of her books of off that experience.
S.E. Hinton wrote Rumblefish in the 1960’s. It didn’t give an actual location for the flashback, but the beginning of the book takes place in California. The point of view is in first person so you see everything through Rusty-James’ eyes. Rusty-James is the main character and his brother Motorcycle Boy is not there very often but he is mentioned frequently. Some of the themes are sadness and loneliness. The whole book is pretty much all saddening events. Some of the events are when Rusty-James and his girlfriend break-up. He and Steve are no longer friends, not even acquaintances because they stop talking. He finds out his mother didn’t want him. Motorcycle Boy doesn’t want to be there and his father is an alcoholic. He’s very lonely and his family is so broken all of them have just given up. Motorcycle Boy eventually gives up on life and Rusty-James is left to himself.
I sort of liked the book, but I also didn’t like it. Certain parts of the book were boring but it was written well and the flashbacks transitioned nicely. Overall she did pretty well with writing it. I didn’t think that the arguments were necessary. I liked that the book was written in the 60s because that’s the most interesting time period to learn about in my opinion. I feel like I would have liked the book a lot more if I would have read it before the Outsiders because it wasn’t as exciting as the Outsiders. I know that S.E. Hinton wrote both and she wrote them about the same issue they just seem to similar for my liking.
In conclusion, I liked the book. S.E. Hinton did a really good job with the plot and details and grammar. She did an amazing job on describing and building up the characters to a point where you felt like you knew them. The book was enjoyable and usually when reading books from older times its confusing how they talk but she didn’t make it too difficult to understand. Rumblefish had an understandable theme and the way that she was foreshadowing and dropping hints for Motorcycle Boys suicide was very smart. You could tell that certain things were important and you just didn’t know why. At the end of the book it explains many things and is very cool.
Overall I did enjoy the book and I do recommend reading it. It is interesting because there was a new thing happening every moment and there was a lot of mystery throughout the book. It was very entertaining and enjoyable, I give it 3 stars.

Alli Shriver 4/5

Caleb Carlson said...

Book Review Outline
Book title and author: Mocking Jay, Suzanne Collins
Title of review: Mocking Jay
Number of stars: *****, Caleb Carlson
Introduction: Mocking Jay is the third book in the series of the Hunger games. The protagonist of this story is Katniss Everdeen. Suzanne Collins wrote this book, she wrote this to show how much she appreciates her freedom. This book takes place in Panem, but will Panem still be there in the end? I would half to say that Mocking Jay is a Fiction book.
Description and summary of main points: Mocking Jay starts out in District twelve when the capitol bombed it. Everyone is rebelling against the capitol and everything is chaos. And only one can lead the rebellion and that is Katniss she will have to become the Mocking Jay.
Evaluation: I really enjoyed Mocking Jay it is a great book. Mocking Jay had a lot of surprising moments in it. There was always something going it was never boring. It is a very well thought out book Suzanne Collins did a great job on writing this book.
Conclusion: At the end of the story Katniss killed Alma Coin and President Snow Choked on his own blood. After everything is over Katniss and Peta have kids they have a boy and a girl. So the end turns out to be good for Katniss and Peta.
Final Review: I recommend this book to anyone who wants to read an action packed/Dramatic book.

Unknown said...

Taylor Shannon
Book title and author: Rumble Fish S.E. Hinton
Title of review: Book Review of Rumble Fish
Number of stars: ****
The book Rumble Fish is an outstanding novel. It was written by S.E. Hinton and it was published in 1975. The point of view of this book is in first person. The main character of this book and the point of view it is from is a young teenage boy named Rusty-James. The setting takes place in a small town around the 1950s. The entire book is like a flashback that shows how Rusty ended up where he is now. Rumble Fish shows and teaches many lessons about loyalties, friendships, and brotherhood. The story mainly proves that you can’t live without family and a life. This lesson is taught by using Rusty-James whose mother left him when he was a toddler; his father is an alcoholic, and whose older brother is never around.
The book Rumble Fish takes place in a time where the streets used to have gangs, but they no longer do. Rusty-James is the number 1 tough guy among the junior high kids. All of kids hang out and shoot pool at Benny’s. The thing that Rusty James wants most of all is to be just like his older brother, the Motorcycle Boy. At the beginning, Rusty is laying on a beach when Steve, his old pal, finds him. The story then takes off telling how Rusty went to jail. At the beginning, Rusty-James ends up getting into a fight with this other tough guy, and his brother, Motorcycle Boy, has to end up saving him. Then you start to learn a bit more about Rusty’s life. You learn that his father is an alcoholic, his brother is usually never around, and his mother left him. Soon in the book, Rusty ends up getting transferred to a new school and his girlfriend breaks up with him. Rusty later learns that Motorcycle Boy left to go to California to visit their mother and that their mother never wanted Rusty in the first place. This makes Rusty and Motorcycle Boy’s relationship difficult. At the end, Motorcycle Boy gets shot and dies from stealing from breaking into a pet store and Rusty gets arrested and he ends up colored blind just like Motorcycle Boy was.
Over all I really liked this book. It had a lot of lessons about brother-hood, friendships, and loyalties. I didn’t life a few parts like when Rusty was literally out of his body and he was looking at himself. That was a little too surreal for me, but then again it could’ve just have been a hallucination. I didn’t like the ending when Motorcycle Boy ended up dyeing. I think that it could’ve ended differently. I did like the idea at the end when Rusty ended up being colored blind like his brother. I think that that made you realize the similarities between Rusty and Motorcycle Boy. I also believe that the title really suits the book well.
In conclusion, I believe that anybody who reads this book would enjoy it. It is amazingly written. S.E. Hinton added a lot of detail and explanations to the book. When you read it, you’ll be able to understand what is happening and what the lessons in the book are. There are also times when you have to stop and think about the story which just makes it even better.
My final review of the book is that it was very good. The reason that I put four stars is because there were things that I did and didn’t like. The book was well written and it had many lessons included in the story. The main point of the book is that you can’t live without family or without a life. Overall I believe that Rumble Fish is a really great book.

Maya Brinson said...

The Outsiders-
By: S.E Hinton-
Review title: The Outside Review-
Reviewed By: Maya Brinson
Rating is 4.5 Stars-
The Outsiders is an action packed novel that has drama, heartbreak, sadness, anger and also happiness. It begins back in the 90’s with loads of confrontation between what they call the Greasers and the Socs. Greasers are fairly poor and live in a not so good area plus dress like bikers and are really misbehaved. While the Socs, they are very rich, they dress like millionaires, and live on the other side of town where it’s a gated community. But do not let that fool you.
First off, Socs and Greasers? They fight, and simply do not get along. In the beginning of The Outsiders, we find out that Socs will drive around looking for people to “jump” ;nearly kill and think they will not get in trouble because of their appearance. And sadly, in this case that’s the truth.
Next, lots of little arguments happen between these two groups in this story but one night, it went just a little too far. Pony-Boy had gotten hit by his older brother so he ran out, taking his best friend Johnny with him. Greasers and Socs, they have territories and if you break them it’s not good. Pony and Johnny walked to the park that night to get air and talk but, that’s not all that happened. A group of Socs who are drunk, pull up to them to start to mess around and one of the guys nearly drowned Pony-Boy so Johnny pulled out his switchblade and stabbed him to death. Scared, the rest of the Socs, left leaving there friend behind.
Third, Johnny and Pony were paranoid and had to go into hiding so they didn’t get caught and put in jail for life, or worse get separated by the only family they have left. After a while Johnny’s brother came to their hiding place and they all went to get some food, then Jonny decided he wanted to turn himself in and so as they drive back to get there things at the old church and realize it’s on fire, some kids got trapped in there so Jonny went in to save them but, that ended up costing his life. His brother then killed himself.
Finally, I love this book because of all the action and emotion in it. It’s sad, but also sends a message to the reader and gives yah chills. I rate this a 4.5 out of 5.

Jackie Constable said...

Rumble Fish: S.E. Hinton
Book review
5 out of 5 star rating *****
Dre’ Hodges
Rumble Fish written by S.E. Hinton was published in the early 1970’s. The book is written in first person from the books main character Rusty-James’s point of view. Rumble Fish is set in both a small city in the southwest and in California during the late 1960’s or early 1970’s, like all of Hinton’s novels. The main theme of this book is “No family No life” meaning that throughout Rusty’s family was fading away and made Rusty’s life miserable.
Rusty-James is the toughest guy in the group of high-school kids who hang out and shoot pool at Benny’s, and he enjoys keeping up his reputation for being ruthless. However, what he want most of all is to be lust like his older brother, the Motorcycle Boy. He wants to stay calm and laughing when thing get dangerous, to be the toughest street fighter, and the most respected guy on their side of the river. Rusty-James is not book-smart, and he knows it. He relies on his fists instead of his brains. He’s gotten along alright, because of his brother, the Motorcycle boy bails him out whenever he gets in trouble. However, Rusty-James’ drive to be like his brother eats away at his world, until it all comes apart in an explosive chain of events. Time after time in the novel, Rusty-James has more violent encounters, only to be saved by Motorcycle Boy. However, this one time in the book Motorcycle Boy is not there to pick up the pieces. To summarize, Rumble Fish is more violent and action-packed than Hinton’s earlier novels, for it includes a number of gang battles, from the early fight between Rusty-James and Buff Wilcox to Motorcycle Boy’s vicious death.
I really enjoyed this novel, because of the very action-packed senses in the book. However, this novel is for a mature level of people.
Rumble Fish is a great book to read. I Dre’ Hodges gives this book a five out of five star rating. In conclusion, I highly recommend this novel to people who like to read action-packed dramas.

Unknown said...

Book title and author: Mockingjay, Suzanne Collins
Number of stars: *****
Name: Ethan Dyson

The book Mockingjay takes place in a dystopian future known as Panem. This book was written in 2010 and follows the books known as The Hunger Games, and Catching Fire. The genre of this book is science fiction and the reason for that is because any movie that takes place in the future like Terminator or Back to the Future is science fiction. The reason that being is that there are things that don’t exist yet like time machines and mass murdering machines that travel through time. The word dystopia means a future that is bad and needs repairing. Like the setting of the trilogy. It goes from children killing games to full on revolution. Now for the summary.
Katniss was rescued from the awful Quarter Quell that shall never be repeated. She is being sent to District 13 where the head of the rebellion (Alma Coin) is currently located. While she is in 13 her lover known as Peeta Mellark has been captured and is being tortured as a P.O.W in the Capitol. After much debate and thinking, she decides to help the rebels as the Mockingjay. When she joins, she is sent to District 8 to do some propos, when an unexpected attack from the Capitol comes in that Katniss survives but a hospital doesn’t. When she arrives back she sees a couple propos with Peeta starring. When he warns 13 of an incoming bombing, she and all of District 13 survive in a bunker deep in the ground. They then retaliate against District 2 with Peeta, whom they rescued before 2, and succeed in taking it. After the taking of 2, they take a break from the war and celebrate. They then start in their invading of the Capitol with Katniss and Peeta. After many members of their squad get killed, they eventually take down the Capitol and execute their former president, whom created the horrible future.
Now for the evaluation of the book. Some good points were that it is perfectly paced. It also has a nice storyline. It also shows all the horrors of war, the blood, the corpses, the death and despair. It also has a good development of character. I really don’t have any bad things to say about the book. No wonder I rated it 5 stars.
In conclusion, the book was not perfect, but good enough you rate 5 stars that is for sure. Once again, written in 2010. The book is by Suzanne Collins. The setting is in Panem. The world is in a dystopian future. The book is in the science fiction genre.

Unknown said...

Book title and author: Mockingjay, Suzanne Collins
Number of stars: *****
Name: Ethan Dyson

The book Mockingjay takes place in a dystopian future known as Panem. This book was written in 2010 and follows the books known as The Hunger Games, and Catching Fire. The genre of this book is science fiction and the reason for that is because any movie that takes place in the future like Terminator or Back to the Future is science fiction. The reason that being is that there are things that don’t exist yet like time machines and mass murdering machines that travel through time. The word dystopia means a future that is bad and needs repairing. Like the setting of the trilogy. It goes from children killing games to full on revolution. Now for the summary.
Katniss was rescued from the awful Quarter Quell that shall never be repeated. She is being sent to District 13 where the head of the rebellion (Alma Coin) is currently located. While she is in 13 her lover known as Peeta Mellark has been captured and is being tortured as a P.O.W in the Capitol. After much debate and thinking, she decides to help the rebels as the Mockingjay. When she joins, she is sent to District 8 to do some propos, when an unexpected attack from the Capitol comes in that Katniss survives but a hospital doesn’t. When she arrives back she sees a couple propos with Peeta starring. When he warns 13 of an incoming bombing, she and all of District 13 survive in a bunker deep in the ground. They then retaliate against District 2 with Peeta, whom they rescued before 2, and succeed in taking it. After the taking of 2, they take a break from the war and celebrate. They then start in their invading of the Capitol with Katniss and Peeta. After many members of their squad get killed, they eventually take down the Capitol and execute their former president, whom created the horrible future.
Now for the evaluation of the book. Some good points were that it is perfectly paced. It also has a nice storyline. It also shows all the horrors of war, the blood, the corpses, the death and despair. It also has a good development of character. I really don’t have any bad things to say about the book. No wonder I rated it 5 stars.
In conclusion, the book was not perfect, but good enough you rate 5 stars that is for sure. Once again, written in 2010. The book is by Suzanne Collins. The setting is in Panem. The world is in a dystopian future. The book is in the science fiction genre.

Unknown said...

Book title and author: The Outsiders S.E. Hinton
Number of stars: ****
Jovaughn Hall
This novel is fiction. The name of the protagonist or main character is Ponyboy Curtis. He is a greaser, a member of a “this side versus that side gang”. Their rivals are the Socs, the upper class men. They wear fancy clothes and drive fancy cars. They can’t stand the lifestyle of the members of the opposite gang. Things get very intense between the two gangs . It was written and copywrighted in 1967.
It begins just like it ends In a flashback. Ponyboy is leaving the movie theater by himself. A greaser shouldn’t walk too far or too much alone or else he could get jumped. Well he was almost home when he sees a blue car fly around the corner behind him. Ponyboy thought about running but he wouldn’t get too far with a car hot on his tail.
The car had five Socs in it. They got out and walked up to Ponyboy, pulled out a switchblade and said “You need a haircut Greaser?”. Ponyboy slugged one of them but he was out numbered. The Socs tackled him and were harassing him. Ponyboy swung again and landed a punch yet again.
This time the Socs weren’t kidding they held the switchblade to Ponyboy’s throat and said “Why don’t we start at the chin? “ . Just before they cut Ponyboy his brother and friends Dally, Sodapop, Johnny, came and possibly saved Ponyboy’s life. Later in the movie Ponyboy and Dally kill the Soc that almost beat Johnny to death. They are on the run for a week or two Johnny dies in the hospital. Then Dally commits suicide.
I liked this book because its relatable. There aren’t any gangs but usually it’s this side versus that one. Most time’s I try not to pick sides. If it involves me it’s a different story.
I believe the moral inside this book is that so many unnecessary deaths occur and other silly things happen for such a stupid reason. If people could set aside little differences everything would be okay.

Anonymous said...

Book Review Outline
Book title and author: Mockingjay Suzanne Collins
Title of review: Mockingjay
Number of stars:***** Ronnie Hampton
Introduction: Mockingjay is a book wrote by Suzanne Collins on March 2014. It is the three book of the hunger games that is follow behind the hunger games and catching fire. It takes place of the future in district 13. The point of view is in second person because it’s not talking about just one person it’s talks about 2 or more people.
Description and summary of main points: It’s about a girl named Katniss Everdeen that survived and her name was destroy by the capitol. She is trying to get all of the district to work with her to defeat the capitol. She gets help from Boggs and Gale to save Peeta and Annie that’s in the capitol. Katniss said on broadcasting if we burn you burn with us. The capitol bombs district 13 because the rebels stand up to the capitol. They save Peeta and Annie were save from help from Boggs and Gale. President Snow was killed and Katniss thanks them for saving them from the capitol. At the end of the book people starts to die.
Evaluation: The reason why I like the book because it tells how two people cares about each other. A another thing that I like about it is they won’t give up about anything that is coming there way.
Conclusion: This a great book because president Snow is killed and they will have a new president to world the capitol. Boggs and couple each people were killed at the end of the book.
Your final review: It is a great book so I give it five stars.

Unknown said...

Book title and author: The Outsiders by S.E Hinton
Title of review: My thoughts about the book “The Outsiders”
Number of stars: *****
Mercedes Hayes
This book is a 1967 Novel called The Outsiders it was written by S.E Hinton. The story takes place in the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house. Hinton started writing the book the book when she was fifteen but did most of it when she was sixteen a junior in high school and the book was published when she was eighteen years old on April 24, 1967. It’s a young-adult fiction, there’s exactly 192 pages in this book and the publisher was Viking Press, Dell publisher.
Description and summary of main plot:
This novel is about a boy named Ponyboy. He can count on his brothers and friends to help him when he gets caught in some deep trouble with the socs a vicious gang of rich kids whose idea of a good time is beating up greasers like Pony. One night Pony and his friend got into some deep trouble and Johnny his friend ended up murdering a soc because they were hurting Pony and then they were forced to run out of town with the help from their friend Dally so they didn’t get caught. Then they end up being hero’s to a lot of kids in a burning building and Johnny ended up not making it.
I really liked this book because it had a kind of feel to it; it showed how loyal they were back then and how they would ride and die together. They always had each other’s back and they stuck together. The greasers were almost as bad as the socs except that they didn’t start most of the fights. Now and days people talk behind their friends backs so I like that they didn’t.
So basically I think this was a good book hands down and S.E Hinton is a really good author hand down. This book has a good vibe to it; it is so true though. The novel was amazing and I could reread it myself so as you can see this novel was really good. It was a loyal and kind of violent yet sad book it gave you every emotion and filled you with suspense, it really kept you on the edge of your seat and was a pretty good book.
Final review:
I give this book five stars because it was full of suspense it was about loyalty and having your friends back it took you by surprise and messed with your emotional it was sad, yet violent, yet good ,and exciting. I highly recommend this book to everyone out there.

-Mercedes Hayes

Unknown said...

Book Title and Author: Mocking Jay Suzanne Collins
Title of Review:
Number of Stars: *****
By: Riley Snider
Mocking Jay by Suzanne Collins was written in 2010. It is the third instalment in the series starting three months after the second book, Catching Fire. The book is in first-person and follows Katniss Everdeen. The book is set in a future America called Panem, which has been destroyed by civil war. The story is based off the old Roman Empire in which ran much like the trilogy.
Panem is ran completely by the government in which most of the population is enslaved and put in districts which all have a certain resource in which, they gather and send to the Capital, where President Snow and the residents eat enough food to feed the entire nation and sleep in their own warm houses. The districts rise up in rebellion awakening a hidden power, district 13 which was the capitals nuclear weapon facility. The book follows the protagonist, Katniss Everdeen who has become a huge peace in the rebellion. Katniss has been in two Hunger Games when we first see her at the ruins of her home, district 12. Katniss is seen as an idle by everyone in Panem for her bravery to survive her first Hunger Games with her “love interest” Peeta. Both sides of the civil war see Katniss as an essential player in their victory. Katniss makes a series of propaganda videos to move the members of the districts to fight for freedom. The Rebels get ahold of Peeta and bring him to Katniss but, he now sees her as an enemy. So Katniss goes and fights in the districts and later ends up in the Capital and the rebels win. Katniss is the one who gets to execute Snow but, in a split second decision Katniss decides to kill Pres. Coin.
Mocking Jay is a book I will always remember exclusively from the series because I believe it is the best and most memorable of the Trilogy. The book managed to blend action and romance so well that I think it’s the best I’ve seen in a book. I’m usually not a fan of romance but this book was so action packed I barley minded. The characters seemed so real in the ways they acted and treated each other. Even the way Katniss disobeyed orders were realistic.
To conclude Mocking Jay was a very moving book. The book kept me waiting for another twist in the plot. All in the entire book was great which is why I have to give it five stars.

Tiona Clay said...

Book title and author: The Outsiders by S.C. Hinton
Title of Review: My thought about the book “The Outsiders”
Number of stars: *****
Tiona Clay
This book is a 1967 novel called “The Outsiders” written by S.E. Hinton. The story takes place in the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house. While still in her teens, Hinton became a household name as the author of The Outsiders, her first and most popular novel, set in Oklahoma in the 1960s. She began writing it in 1965. The book was inspired by two rival gangs at her school, Will Rogers High School, the Greasers and the Socs, and her desire to show sympathy toward the Greasers by writing from their point of view. It was published by Viking Press in 1967, during her freshman year at the University of Tulsa. Since then, the book has sold more than 14 million copies and still sells more than 500,000 a year.
Description and summary of main points:
This novel is about a boy named PonyBoy he can count on his brothers, and his friends to help him anytime he gets caught in some trouble with the Socs the vicious gang of rich kids that have a good way to get the Greasers back with good revenge. So PonyBoy met up with one of his good friends Dally to help him find a good hiding spot so that he won’t get caught.
The reason why I like this book, because it was interesting how the Greasers, and the Socs fought, because the Greasers never backed down any fight .But, the Greasers were also loyal to one another, and the Socs were non-loyal. Everybody that was a part of the Greasers had each other’s backs.
This whole novel was about a group of Greasers who were the non-rich kids, and the Socs the rich-kids and the Socs had one more person than the Greasers did when they were about to fight , and they had a lot of rules, about no bringing any weapons to the fights because it wouldn’t be fair for one side to have a weapon and not the other side.
Final review:
The reason why I personally liked this book because it’s interesting how two groups in a school split up because they didn’t like each other. The Socs were the rich kids, so they didn’t like the Greasers, because they were basically poor because they lived in a not so good area where there are not any good and nice houses, and they have dirty clothes just like were the Socs come from. The Socs come from a rich neighborhood, and have nice houses, nice clothes, and also a nice car which is a blue Mustang.

Unknown said...

Book Review Outline
Book Title and Author: A child called” it”
Title of Review: A Child called “it”
Number of stars: ****, Jacob Cottingham
Introduction: A Child Called “it” is a biography because the author is writing the book about himself. It takes place in Daly City, California in 1993. David Pelzer gets abused and tortured by his mother she acts like the poor kid doesn’t even exist.
Description and summary of main points: A Child Called “it” starts in Daly City, California the Pelzer family starts of as a normal family taking vacations and other things families do but then one day David and his brothers noticed something about their mom and dad. Their parents were starting to drink heavily. Their mother would beat David and torture him terribly.
Evaluation: I didn’t really like it because the mother who should care for you and be loving wasn’t at all to David she was very abusive she would starve ,burn ,stabbed him and lots of other terrible things. It’s a good thing that Mr. Pelzer came out and told the world what his mother did to him.
Conclusion: In the end David’s journey was finally finished because he got away from his mother’s horrifying games she played to torture him so brutally. All of the broken bones, bruises and starvation was over for Dave because he was finally taken somewhere else where he wouldn’t be abused.
Your final review: I recommend this book to everyone it’s a great learning about everyone else’s stories.

Unknown said...

Book title: mocking jay by Suzanne Collins
Title of review: Mocking jay review
Number of stars: 4.5
My name: Emily Stewart
Introduction: Mocking Jay is the third and final book of the hunger games series. In the book the districts are rebelling against the capitol, district twelve was bombed and people don’t live there. Now there is a district thirteen that not very many people know about. Katniss is now the Mocking Jay and she gave the capitol a list of people she wants to help and they did a public announcement so that the capitol couldn’t say that she didn’t say them things. The capitol bombed district eight too.

Description and summary of main points: There is no longer a district twelve because it was bombed and destroyed by the capitol killing a lot of people. In district thirteen they have an ear piercing lockdown and they have to go to this special assigned place and the doors close and once they close they won’t open them and so if you’re not in there you get left, and prim goes back to their apartment to get the cat and she almost get locked out but gale finds her and they make it into the bunkers. The capitol is now doing these pro-pros where they film Katniss and gale. District eight is bombed and they bomb the hospital where hundreds of people are there because they are sick dyeing or got hurt from the last bombing, the hospital is not very clean so lots of people are getting infections and they do not have the right equipment to treat them.
Evaluation: I kind of liked the book it was very long and lots of reading and it kept switching and talking about different things. They also didn’t explain a bunch I think it could have used more detail.
Conclusion: At the end of the book Annie and Finnick gets married and has a kid. They get peeta’s mind back. Katniss and peeta have kids. They tell how bad president snow is and what he did to finnick and how they sold his body. They also tell how president snow uses poisoning to keep being president and how he put poison in their drinks.
Your final review: I think this was a good book just a lot of reading. I give it 4.5 stars.

Unknown said...

Book Title and Author: Rumblefish by S. E. Hinton
Title of Review: Rumblefish Review
Number of Stars: ***
Tori Shaver
In this novel written by S. E. Hinton the protagonist, Rusty-James, tells about his story with his brother. The book takes place in Oklahoma during the 1960’s. Rumblefish is written in first-person point of view and was published in 1989. I feel that S. E. Hinton is telling us what she feels an everyday gang member goes through on an emotional and physical level. I believe that she also wants her readers to understand that you have to appreciate what you have in life, not what you want.
Rusty-James is a boy who has been disowned by his mother, forgotten by his father, and abandoned by his older brother. The only “true” friends he has are the members of his gang. This novel tells the story of what happens when his brother, Motorcycle Boy, comes back to town. They go out, have fun, get in trouble, and do it all again the next day. Motorcycle Boy has to fix a big mess that Rusty-James has made. The book has a shocking ending that no one would ever dream for their brother.
I enjoyed reading Rumblefish. I thought it was a very deep book because it had so many hidden metaphors. The metaphors weren’t only about gangs, but you could relate them to your everyday life. I like that fact that almost the story was in flashback form. I wasn’t very fond of the author’s writing style, but overall the story was good.
In conclusion, Rumblefish by S. E. Hinton is a novel written about the everyday struggles of gang members. There are metaphors scattered throughout the book that have so much meaning behind them. Motorcycle Boy was very kind to his brother and helped him in many of the struggles that he faced. S. E. Hinton’s writing style was very interesting, in the fact that she would name people after different events throughout history that foreshadow what the character is going to bring to the story.
Rumblefish was a great book and I would recommend it to anyone that likes to read.

Unknown said...

Book title and author: A Child Called ‘’It’’ by: David Pelzer
Title of Review: A Child Called ‘’It’’ review
Number of stars: *****
Meghan Conrad
This book was written by David Pelzer also referred to a Dave. Dave wrote this book in 1995 as a sad memoir about his child life when his mother abused him. Dave is the one who is telling the story and the one who is being hit so he is obviously the main character and this book is in 1st person point of view. Dave tells this story to get the word out about child abuse and what his mother did to him when he was only a young boy.
A Child Called “It” is about a young boy named David Pelzer who always goes to school with marks and bruises all over his body. So the school was concerned and here his was getting abused by his mother at home. His mom was only hurting David and not his 4 other brothers. The brothers even sometimes was made to also abuse David. While the mother was abusing him and something went seriously wrong like breaking his arm she would make him sleep on the top bunk and then take him to the doctor and say he fell off the top bunk. By the end of the book the mother would not even call Dave by his name but she would call him “It”. So later a lady from child protected services came to the house to interview the whole family and watch what the mothers actions were toward David, but the mother was acting nice when she really wasn’t. While Dave was at school the police came and told David that he was “free”. By that the police officer meant free from his mother abuse.
The book is a very good book but extremely sad and hard to believe it’s true. In my opinion every part is good but the stuff she does too him is extremely not necessary. The one thing I thought was definitely not necessary was when the mother took her youngest babies dirty diaper and shoved it in Dave’s face and made him eat the poop. That was just beyond belief. I highly recommend this book. Also be ready to be blown away.
In conclusion, this book is a memoir about a boy who was abused by his mother for almost all his childhood for no reason. His mother was a rude lady who was not meant to be a mother to Dave. There was no reason for her to treat David like that and not the other brothers. I bet Dave didn’t even know what he had done to get treated like that.
I highly recommend this book because it is one of those books that you can’t put down.

Unknown said...

Book title and Author: The Outsiders By S.E. Hinton
Title of Review: DeWitt’s Opinion
Number of Stars: ****
Christian Dewitt

The setting of this story is in Oklahoma. The point of view in this story is first person. Also, it is told by the boy named Ponyboy. There are many main characters throughout the book, but the one talked about and in the story the most, is Ponyboy. The genre of this book is a novel. The theme I think is to show a gang of boys who do not have good home lives and are poor, can still be good at heart. The book was written in 1967 by S.E. Hinton who said the book related to some of her own real life stories.
Next, a band of boys group up together fighting with a poor lifestyle. The story is told from the point of view of Ponyboy. Their gang is called the Greasers, which refers to their hair, and they fight the Socs, or higher in class people. As the boys are good kids, some run away, kill people, and also die in this crazy mess. At school they do not fit in much. Most of the kids in the gang do not like their own parents or do not have any. They like to be tough and will do anything to keep their reputation. Overall, they can be cool, convicts, friends, but end up only bad because the environment around them.
Now, I really liked this book. Between all the action and suspicion, the story is good too. I do not like the socs in the book because they all think they are cool. When the Socs and Greasers fight it is a thrill. One part of the book I did not like though was when Johnny dies. His death was sad, but he saved lives because of it.
In conclusion, I think the story and action was good. Ponyboy overall, is a well thought out person who has a kind heart. His friends are good and loyal to everyone in the gang. I really liked this book. Also, I like how it good relate to the author in real life. In the book, even when their home lives are bad the kids are still good. Overall, the show they can stay humble, good, and thankful for everything they have.
I liked this book and I thought it was very well written and completed.

Unknown said...

Book Title and author; Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
The Mockingjay Review; Bailey King
Number of stars: *****
To begin with, Katniss has shuffled her way through two Hunger Games. Throughout this period of time, Katniss has lost her home, friends and family, and even her sanity. She is fed up. Katniss is the face of the rebellion against the capitol. She not only has to save herself, but thousands of other helpless prisoners of the capitol’s rule. Her lover, Peeta Mellark, is a captive under president Snow, the capitol’s leader. President Snow has Peeta under lock and key. Katniss has to get her mind straight to save Peeta. Katniss is a part of the star squad, a special squadron that is to go into the capitol and kill President Snow. While living in the elusive District 13, Katniss lives with her mother and sisiter, Prim. Despite the odds, can Katniss and Peeta’s love conquer all?
Next, I enjoyed reading Mockingjay. It was entertaining, yet heartbreaking. I didn’t like how Suzanne Collins lingered on the depressing things in District 13. I love how it depicted Peeta and Katniss’ love and how it was everlasting. I enjoyed this book because it was so action-packed. I also liked how Suzanne Collins showed how much Katniss relied on her family.
Then, Katniss Everdeen is the main character in this book, and this is the third book in the Hunger Games series. Katniss’ lover, Peeta is being held captive and she’s insane because of the events that took place in the arena. Katniss lives in District 13, training to fight in battle to take over the capitol.
After that, I thought this book was really good because of Suzanne Collins’ descriptiveness. I give it five stars.
In conclusion, Suzanne Collins writes in Mockingjay about Katniss Everdeen. Katniss is a survivor of 2 Hunger Games and being hunted by the capitol. This novel was written in 2010. The setting takes place in a totalitarian government in the future. Katniss Everdeen was the protagonist in Mockingjay. She gave the helpless districts hope. Katniss fought back against the capitol.

Sam Hensley said...

Book Title and Author: Mockingjay; Suzanne Collins
Title of Review: Mockingjay Burns Beautiful and Bright
Number of Stars: *****
Sam Hensley

In the final book of her Hunger Games trilogy, Suzanne Collins writes with as much flair and excellence as ever. Mockingjay (Published in 2010) is my personal favorite out of the three books revolving around Katniss Everdeen and Panem. The protagonist of this story is Katniss Everdeen, and the story also revolves around her point of view. The story takes place in District Thirteen, the Capitol, and a few of the Capitol’s outlying Districts. While the specific time period of the events of Mockingjay is not detailed in the book itself, it is known to take place in years to come.

Mockingjay is about Katniss and her fellow rebellion members fighting the war that the Capitol has waged. The book opens with Katniss standing amongst the ruins of what was formerly District Twelve. She and a few other tributes had previously been plucked out of the 75th Hunger Games arena by the rebels of District Thirteen. As the story proceeds, Katniss discovers the true plans of Thirteen’s President, Alma Coin. The President is planning to overthrow the existing President of Panem, President Coriolanus Snow, and lead the country herself. When Katniss and a few others are deployed into the Capitol, the group encounters many hurtles such as mutts, traps, pods, and many other forms of lethal objects that Snow has up his sleeve. When Katniss arrives at President Snow’s mansion for his execution, she immediately changes her plans and shoots an arrow through President Coin’s neck and watches her die. She is then sent to her Victor’s Village home in Twelve to live out the rest of her days.

I personally really liked Mockingjay. The Hunger Games is one of my favorite series of all time, and the dystopian setting is one that I quite enjoy. Plus, Collins’s writing is superb. As for the good things of the book, the entire book was good! As for the bad things, I truly do not believe that there is anything bad to be found about this book.

In conclusion, Mockingjay was my favorite book out of the repertoire of the selections from this year. As I previously stated, dystopian stories are my favorite stories of all time, and I was thrilled that we were reading one. Suzanne Collins’s writing is some of the best I have ever had the privilege of reading. I think that Mockingjay was the most exciting and suspenseful book in the trilogy. I really hope that Collins writes more books in the future, as I will most definitely read them.

My final review of this book is as follows: I loved this book, it is a wonderful novel. I give five out of five stars to Suzanne Collins’s Mockingjay.

Unknown said...

Book title and author: The Outsiders By: S.E. Hinton
Title review: “The Outsiders Book Review”
Number of stars (1 to 5): ****
Elijah Posey

The Outsiders was written by S.E. Hinton. The book was published in the year of 1967. The book takes place in a city in Oklahoma in the 1950’s. The genre of The Outsiders is a novel realistic fiction. The protagonist, or main character, is Ponyboy Curtis. The book is written in 1st person point of view. One of the main reasons why S.E. Hinton wrote this novel was because one of her friends was jumped (beat up) by a gang. So this drove her to write The Outsiders. She was fourteen when she started the book but finished it when she was sixteen.

The Outsiders takes place in a city in Oklahoma. The city is divided into two main groups. One of the two groups called themselves Socs. They were the rich kids. Socs lived on the east side of town. But the other group called Greasers, lived on the west side. Greasers were always jumped by the Socs. The Greasers were very poor. But one day, someone took the whole gang thing too far.

I really loved this book. I would recommend this book to read. The one thing that stood out the most to me was that the whole book was his English assignment. Everything about this book was amazing.

This is a great novel. The book was very excited and told me a lot of things about the 50’s. It was a fairly short book. S.E. Hinton has also written many other books about gangs including Rumble Fish. She is a great author. This is one of my favorite books I have read.

I give The Outsiders four stars.

Unknown said...

Book Title and Author: The Outsiders by S.E Hinton
Title of Review:” Review of a gang called Greasers”
Number of Stars: ****
Exavier Posey

First of all, the genre of the book is fiction, even though some of the things in the story could have happened, it was all made up by the author. The book was also in first person. It is told from the point of view of a boy named Ponyboy who is part of a gang called the Greasers. It was written as a flashback though but still is in his point of view. The story takes place in a city in Oklahoma.

In the book, The Outsiders written by S.E Hinton is about a boy named Ponyboy Curtis. Ponyboy is part of a gang. They are called Greasers and their enemies are the Socs. Greasers are the poor folk and the Socs are rich. Pony is always trying to figure out why they are always fighting. One day Ponyboy and his friend, Johnny, are walking home when a group of Socs jump them, and Johnny ends up killing one of them. They decide to get supplies and head off to a small, abandoned church on Jay Mountain. Johnny decides he doesn’t want to be in hiding anymore while they were eating on the fifth day. When they go back it is on fire, and Johnny got paralyzed trying to save a couple of kids, and also Dally is injured, who is also one of Dally’s friend. Pony then at then at the hospital finds out there will be a rumble, Socs vs Greasers.

I really liked the book because it told a really good story. When the Socs and Greasers fought was my favorite part of the book. You get to meet other things that were considered Greasers. I also liked the outcome of the rumble because the underdogs won. The most interesting part was the whole story is a flashback.

In conclusion, the book is about a boy named Ponyboy who is in a huge mess. He is part of a gang, one of his friends is consulted with murder, he must go into hiding, and he might have to leave his family because of the living conditions he is in. All of this has a hard impact on his life.

My final review of the book is I thought the book was really exciting. It had a lot of twist and turns that you did not know what was going to happen next. I thought S.E Hinton did an awesome job coming up with the plot and writing the story. I would really love to read more of her work.

Unknown said...

Book Title and Author: The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton
Title of Review: My Review on The Outsiders
Number of Stars: ******
Sydney Newman

I decided to write a review on The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. Hinton wrote the novel in 1967. This story is in first person. The book is from protagonist Ponyboy Curtis’s perspective. This story takes place in Oklahoma in the 1960s. I think the theme of this story is to be careful how you act, because you could end up regretting things you do. Now, let’s talk about what happens in The Outsiders.

The Outsiders is about a 14-year-old boy named Ponyboy Curtis. Ponyboy and his two older brothers, Sodapop and Darry, are in a gang with some other boys. One of those boy’s names is Johnny Cade. One night, Ponyboy and Johnny were walking home, when they are jumped by two kids, whose names are Bob and Randy. Ponyboy and Johnny decide to fight back. Bob grabs Ponyboy, and he pushes his head into a fountain. Johnny takes a blade out of his pocket, which scares Randy away, and stabs and kills Bob. To avoid being arrested, Ponyboy and Johnny run away to Windrixville, Oklahoma. They hide in a church, which catches fire later on. Johnny becomes a quadriplegic because of the fire, and ends up dying. Ponyboy decides to go home and turn himself in. He is found acquitted for his crime.

I enjoyed this book. This book is my favorite book we have read so far. I liked it because it had lots of suspense and intense moments. My favorite part of this book was when Ponyboy and Johnny ran away, because you didn’t know what would happen next. This book only had one bad part. That part was when you find out that the story is Ponyboy’s English assignment the whole time. It really was an amazing book. It gets five stars.

In conclusion, The Outsiders was my favorite book out of the ones we have read so far. I think this book had a lot of suspenseful and intense moments. I enjoyed the fact that it had a lot of action. The only part I hated was when you find out that the whole story was Ponyboy’s English assignment. I didn’t like that part at all. However, if it were an English assignment in real life, it would get a 100%. It really was a great book.
This is an amazing book. It had a lot of suspense. I would recommend it to anybody.

Unknown said...

Book title and author: The Outsiders, S.E. Hinton
Title of Review:
Number of Stars: ****
Your name: Ivey McMullen
The Outsiders is a novel. It was published in 1967. I liked this book. It was an exciting book. Ponyboy had a big adventure in this book.
First on PonyBoys way home a bunch of Socs jumped him, luckily the gang came and helped him out. The poor kids in the book are called Greasers. The Socs were the rich kids. One day some of them went to the Drive In, they meet 2 girls and one of them becomes a spy for them later. Bob and some of his buddies jumped Ponyboy and Johnny one night and Johnny ends up killing Bob. Then they leave the city. Dally is the only one who knows. When Johnny and Ponyboy comes back Dally ends up killing himself.
I liked this book very much; it was beautifully written and full of excitement. It was suspenseful and there was a lot of action in it. The writer has other good book but this one is my favorite. Though there was some flaws in this book. I didn’t like how people died in it.
In conclusion, Ponyboy has an adventures, dangerous but exciting life. The book was amazing but had some flaws in my eyes.
The book was great. There would be a few things I would change though.

Isaac Popp said...

Book Title and Author: The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton
Title of Review: Review of The Outsiders
Number of stars: ****
Isaac Popp
The book that I chose was called The Outsiders. The main character and protagonist was Ponyboy.
This book is a novel. It was written in first person. It was published 1967. S.E. Hinton wrote it to entertain. It takes place in Oklahoma in the 1960s.

The book was about 4 members of a gang. They were called the greasers. They also fought with the east side gang. Pony was the youngest and a tag-along. Pony goes to a movie and meets a girl that is later their spy. They and her boyfriend get in a fight and Bob dies. Pony and his friend run away to an abandoned church on a hill. While they were gone, a group of young kids get stuck in there and a fire starts. They get back and save the kids. Pony’s friend dies from burns. Dally gets the news and commits suicide. Since Pony is a hero, he is not charged with murder.

I liked the book. It is very fast-pased. It was a good book. I liked the adventure part. The part I didn’t like was that it ended too fast.

In conclusion, the book was about a kid and his friend living a relatively rough life. They are all poor and in a gang. They get into fights. One even gets abused.

The book was average. I liked most of it and it was exciting. I have read better books though. In some parts it was so vivid and in others it was vague.

Unknown said...

Book Title and Author: A Child Called It by Dave Pelzer
Title of Review: “Review of the Abused Child”
Number of stars: ****
Zachary Jordan

To begin with, my book is called A Child Called It. The book was written by Dave Pelzer. The genre of the book is nonfiction. It was based on a true story. The book was written in 1995. The setting of the book is in California. The time of the book is in the 1960s. The point of view was Dave.

In the book, A Child Called It, Dave Pelzer was a child who was abused by his parents. His mother was alcoholic and abused him. His father doesn’t really abuse him, he just ignores him. Dave would sleep in the basement and clean every day. He was usually not given food unless he finished all of his chores in enough time. Dave sometimes tried to steal food from his school and his neighbors. There were many ways his mother tortured him. A few ways were that she made Dave eat his own puke and his littlest brother’s dirty diaper. His other brothers abused him too. After a few years, Dave was taken from them.

I liked the book. I liked the book because it had a lot of details. I thought the story was sad, when Dave was tortured. I liked the parts when Dave could play with his brothers and go outside. One Fourth of July, Dave was allowed to go outside and play with sparklers with his brothers. I liked when he didn’t have to do any cleaning. He could play with his brothers. My favorite part was when he was rescued.

In conclusion, the book I picked was A Child Called It. It was written by Dave Pelzer. It is about a child being abused by his parents. The book was based on a true story. I liked most of the book. I liked the book because it had a lot of details. I thought the story was sad. I liked the ending when Dave was rescued. I thought the book was a good book.

My final review of the book was that it was a great book. I thought the book was sad. I thought the book was very descriptive. I thought it was a good view on what happened to him. I could imagine what he felt like. That is why I gave the book four stars.

Allie Pacoe said...

Book title and author: A Child Called It by Dave Pelzer.
Title of review: Summary and Rating on A Child Called It.
Number of stars: ****
Allie Pacoe 6/7

The book A Child Called It by Dave Pelzer takes place in Daly City, California. This book was wrote in 1995, many years after the actual events took place. Dave Pelzer himself is the protomist in the story. A Child Called It was wrote to show abuse can happen to anyone even if you think that there is no way that this person or that person could be abused, it still could be a possibility. Also, it is written to show the kids who read the book that have been abused that they are not alone.
A Child Called It starts off with Dave Pelzer being saved by the staff members of his school with them contacting the police. After that it rewinds to back what his mother was like before she started drinking. Pelzer may have even described her as the “perfect mother”. When she started drinking that idea of her started to fade away. She began beating him, making him think he was just a big mistake, and starved him most of the time. Dave Pelzer was the only one out of the four other brothers that was abused. After a few years of this Dave’s mother made the brothers believe Dave was a “bad boy” they even started hitting and calling him names. One day, Dave’s mother said that she was sorry for everything she’s done and things will be different. Dave believed her, but he was so wrong. He found out she only did that because there was a child protection service coming to their house. Dave’s abuse never stopped, not until he was recused from is horrible life with his family.
This book was one of my favorite books that I have read. The most interesting part of the book was how he was treated. I was interested on this part because when I’m older I want to be a social worker. I would defiantly read this book again. A Child Called It is a really good book for people to read because it shows how serious abuse is.
In conclusion, this book is a great novel. I liked this book a lot because it is very interesting and has a good story to go along with it. Many other people should read this book, also. I didn’t get bored while reading this book either. Other people would enjoy this book.
I enjoyed this book a lot as you can see from my review. I gave the book four stars out of five. One thing I wished it had was a little story after he was recused. I wanted to know where he went after he was rescued. Who did he stay with? Was he happy? These are some of the questions I would like to know.

Unknown said...

Book title and author: The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton
Title of Review: A Rating on the Outsiders
Number of Stars: **** out of *****
Tyler Giorcelli 6 and 7
First of all, the book I will be reviewing is The Outsiders. The author of this book is S.E. Hinton. The genre of this book is a novel. The Outsiders was published in 1967. In this review, I will state what I like about this book. I will also go over the main points of the book and summarize it.
Now, this book is about a kid and his gang. The location it was set at was a city in Oklahoma. This book uses a first person point of view. The main character is Ponyboy Kurtis, he is the little brother of the head member of a gang. There are many things that happen in this story, but they all revolve around the east and west gang. These gangs are very important for the story. One very important point is when the gangs have a big fight. This fight is called a rumble. At one point the main character and his friend end up running away because of an accidental murder.
Next, in my opinion this was a very good book. It was over all well thought out. The plot was good. It had a lot of interesting points. The author knew how to keep the reader interested. The detail was great. The layout was good. It had a lot of action. There was not really anything that I did not like about it. It was just a great book.
In conclusion, this was a great novel. I liked this book because it was very well put together. It also had a great story line. If you are looking for a book that has humor, action, and a great story, then this is the book for you. There was even a movie made out of this book. So that must mean a lot of people liked it.
Finally, I thought this book was great. That is all I have to say about it.

Unknown said...

Book Title and author: The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton
Title of review: James Reviews – The Outsiders
Number of stars: ****
James Wright
The Outsiders is a novel by S.E. Hinton written in 1967. This novel is written in first-person, in the words of Ponyboy, a young greaser boy from Oklahoma. As you can see above, I’ve already given this book 4 stars, which is actually slightly inaccurate. I actually would give it 4.5 or maybe even higher, but the keyboard can not type half a star, but I digress. You aren’t questioning the number of stars. You’re questioning why I like this book! Well, this is a five-paragraph long essay, so we might as well take the time to establish that in the other four. So with all that out of the way, let’s dive in to why I love The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton.
As said above, this book follows the life of Ponyboy, a young greaser who lives a difficult life. On his way home from a movie theater, he gets jumped by a group of Socs, who are rich kids from the other side of town. Ponyboy is able to make it out of the mess alive, and is helped by the other greasers, including his brothers Darry and Sodapop, his friends Steve and Two-Bit, Dally, who is somewhat of a group leader, and Johnny, a quiet boy who has been that way ever since he as well was jumped. One night, the greasers go to a drive-in movie, only to meet Cherry Valance, a Soc girl who later becomes an ally of sorts to the greasers, as well as a few other Socs. Later that night, when Sodapop and Johnny are out at the park, a group of Socs prepares an attack, only leading to Johnny killing Bob, one of the Socs, and Pony and Johnny run away with help from Dally, so they hide in an old church. Later, when children are visiting the church, it begins to burn down, and Ponyboy and Johnny save the children in the church, although the two get badly injured right before the town is about to have a large rumble. Johnny can’t show up due to his condition, but Ponyboy is able to attend. The greasers end up winning, but soon after Johnny dies, leaving Dally in serious emotional pain. After Dally commits suicide, Pony has some serious struggles, until he finally decides to take the story, and use it for an English assignment, thus ending the story. Yeah, it’s a complex book.

Unknown said...

continuation from James Wright
I personally thought The Outsiders was an outstanding book, and I’d definitely recommend it to anyone who needs a fairly short book to read. If you aren’t looking for something darker, though, then maybe stay away from it. Otherwise, though, you should definitely take the time to pick up this book. It was amazing how the book was able to move between so many plot points so quickly, while still making sense. That last part may be why I preferred this book to Rumble Fish, another one of S.E. Hinton’s works. The characters seem so in-depth, which really makes the book come alive. Honestly, it’s hard to put into words how much I like this book. Yes, there are books I like more, but this may as well be my fourth or fifth favorite. Though, still, fourth or fifth is pretty good, wouldn’t you agree? I would definitely come back to read this book again, and you should read it as well.
Well, I still have a conclusion left to write. What else do I have to say? I mean, I praised the book in the last chapter, and summarized it in the chapter before. Well, I guess I can put what I learned in here from reading The Outsiders. If you commit a crime and people are fresh on your tail, get advice from a criminal friend on how to run away! Er… always carry a switchblade? That wouldn’t work… If your best friend dies there is no point in living so commit suicide? Dang it, this book doesn’t have any good life lessons! That doesn’t stop it from being a good book, though. I still love this book to no end, even if there are no good morals in it.
Anyway, I gave this book four and a half stars, because honestly, I adore this book. So why didn’t I give it five? I felt it may jump around plot points quickly, and all that, but that’s about as far as I can go with reasons not to like it. Otherwise though, I’d say this book is virtually flawless. So yeah, four-and-a-half stars.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Book title and author: A Child Called It by David Pelzer
Title of review: “The Merciless Beating”
Number of stars: ****
Your name: Devon Willis
The protagonist in this book is named David Pelzer. As you may have guessed the author is the main character of the story. The book is an autobiography of his life as a child. The book was released in 1995 and the theme is a memoir about child abuse. He wrote this to inform the public about child abuse of any kind. David’s story is put in Daly City, California from 1965-1973. He was only four years old when his mother started to abuse him. Eventually he was saved and his case helped create the child protective laws we have today.

This this book was an excellent read that I couldn’t wait to finish. It told of the hardships of David’s early life and how he struggled to survive his crazy mom. However I do recommend that children don’t read this book because it is very descriptive and graphic. There were several parts that were intriguing and made me wanting to read more of the book. My favorite Chapter is the number two because it told you what his old life was like.

A Child Called It is about the struggle for survival in an abusive house. The main character David Pelzer is trying to stay alive in his own house. His mom is an extremely abusive psychopath that does nothing but torture David day and night. She abuses David by starving him, beating him, and putting him in a makeshift gas chamber. David had been tortured so much he tried to commit suicide. He was so broken he had to treat an open cut with a dirty cloth and water.

David is lucky that he was to be taken away from his mother. He was taken by the police to get him away from his mom. He was not arrested they took custody from David’s mom to protect him. The school called about him because the teachers were fed up with Mrs. Pelzer hurting David. He later grew up to have a son and a wife. He still visited his favorite spot when he was a kid. He later went on to write this book. He won several awards for writing this book.

I gave the book four stars because it is a good book but I don’t feel that this is appropriate for some readers. I felt a little uncomfortable reading some chapters of this book. I would say that it is a book that many people would enjoy though. I would refer this to people who enjoy suspenseful books.

Unknown said...

Book title and author: The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton
Title of review: The Outsiders Book Review
Number of stars: ****
Lauren Williams

S.E. Hinton wrote the novel The Outsiders in 1967. The story is told in first person point of view, with Ponyboy as the main character and the protagonist. The setting of the book is Oklahoma. Here there are two sides of town with two main gangs, The Socs and The Greasers.

The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton takes place in Oklahoma. A gang called The Greasers is the main characters. Their names are Ponyboy Curtis, Johnny, Dally Winston, Soda Pop Curtis, Darry Curtis, and Two-Bit Matthews. Ponyboy and his friends live on the east side of town. Their enemies, The Socs, live on the west side of town. Even though these two gangs have never gotten along, all the problems started when Dally tried hitting on a Soc girl at the movies. The Socs kept trying to get back at them, but one night everything went downhill. Johnny ended up killing one of the Socs with a switchblade, so Ponyboy and he ran away to an old church. Dally knows where they are, and he brings them money and tells them what’s been going on in the town. One day, after Johnny, Ponyboy, and Dally went out to eat they find that the church caught on fire. Ponyboy and Johnny go in to save the kids. After everything gets fixed and Johnny and Ponyboy come home, the two gangs have a rumble. The Greasers win the fight.

I really liked The Outsiders because it was a very exciting book. You never knew what was happening next. Every character had their personality, and there was a lot of detail. You could picture what they looked like, and how they acted. I really liked that about the book. The part that I liked the best was when Ponyboy and Jonny went to save the children in the burning church because it showed how they really are.

In conclusion, The Outsiders is a very exciting novel. I highly recommend this book to any ages. You won’t want to put the book down, at least I didn’t. S.E. Hinton is an amazing author. I have read another one of her books Rumble fish, and it was just as good.

I chose this book because I really enjoyed it. I gave it 4 stars because it was an awesome book.

Unknown said...

Book Title and Author: A Child Called “It” by David Pelzer
Title of Review: The Review of An Incredible Novel
Number of Stars (1 to 5): *****
Kezia Foote
This review is about an award winning novel, The Child Called “It”. It was published in 1995 and was written by the main character himself, David Pelzer, which makes it an autobiography. The book is written in 1st person and is also a memoir. The story is about one of the worst cases of child abuse ever in California. It takes place from the late 1960’s to the early 1970’s in California.
David Pelzer had a life far from healthy and happy, like most children. Since the age of 4, he was the victim of abuse by his bi-polar, alcoholic mother. David was taunted and tormented by every horrible “game” the “Witch” had for him. Even at school, he was always being bullied, called names, known as the food thief, and had no friends. What could he do when there was nothing good for him in life? Well, David had to survive. He had to learn to play the cruel games he was forced to play. However, if he didn’t survive, he would not be missed by the Witch because David wasn’t considered a son nor a boy but a slave and an “it”. He thought his father was his savior and would take him away from the living nightmare but he, too, had been under the Witch’s control. All hope had been lost for David until, one faithful day, he was saved.
In my opinion, I really enjoyed The Child Called “It”. Before I had read it, the thought of child abuse to me was nothing compared to what David had gone through. My favorite part of the book was in the Epilogue. David was with his son and he had broken the chain of abuse in his family. Usually many people tend to abuse their children because they were abused themselves, thus creating the chain of abuse throughout family generations. It filled my heart with joy when I read this part. I also loved how descriptive the story was. You could actually feel the pain David was going through.
In conclusion, The Child Called “It” is a very interesting novel that tells about a very horrible case of child abuse. The victim, David Pelzer, had to find ways to survive every horrible game his abusive mother forced him to play. He was eventually saved by the age of 12 and when he had a son of his own, he broke the chain of abuse
For my final review, I thought this book was very well written and descriptive. It is definitely one of my favorite books and it certainly had pulled at my emotions!

Unknown said...

Book Title and Author: Rumble Fish (by S.E. Hinton)
Title of Review: “Fish That do Indeed Rumble”
Number of Stars (1 to 5): ****
Author of Review: Isaac Rubenstein (Periods 6/7)

Rumble Fish, though not my favorite book (by a LONG shot), I rather good. It was written by S.E. Hinton with entertainment in mind. It is a realistic (and, as it would be perfectly safe to argue, a historical) fiction. The first I had read and heard of it was in Ms. Constable’s 6/7-Period-English-Class. I highly recommend this book to those who like books with some sort of action in them. I DO NOT recommend it to those who are appalled by violence and crime. If you are, you will not enjoy Rumble Fish.
The premise of this whole book is Rusty-James’s (For thou convenience, I shalt refer to his title as RJ) rough childhood. The book starts when RJ’s childhood friend, Steve, provokes a memory about when his rough childhood ended (yes, the whole book is a flashback), and the string of events that does so. The events start when some kid named “Biff” wants to kill him. When he attempts to, RJ’s brother, the Motorcycle Boy (again, for thou convenience, I shalt call him MB or the MB) shows up and stops him. MB, despite his best intentions, gets Steve, RJ, and himself throughout the book. They get in fights: Brush with the police! Eventually, the MB just snaps. He robs a pet store with the intention of getting shot. He succeeds (in getting shot: he fails horribly at the robbery), and the resulting trauma straightens out RJ, just as Steve wanted him throughout the book.
The author of Rumble Fish is S.E. Hinton. It was written in 1975. Its purpose is to entertain, especially to fans of her other book The Outsiders (another great book) The story takes place around the 1960s in a city in Oklahoma. The book is written in first-person, though the viewpoint of RJ. RJ is also the protagonist. Well, more of an anti-hero: Nothing good about him! The theme is dark and criminal.
So, in conclusion Rumble Fish is a good book. Good plot points! Good Dialogue! An interesting story! Very worthwhile I enjoyed this book! To follow RJ and his adventures, read Rumble Fish, by S.E. Hinton.
I rate it 4/5 stars. Very good. Good story and storyline. However, could use improvement.

Unknown said...

Book title and author: Mocking Jay by. Suzanne Collins
Title review:”
Number of stars (1 to 5): ****
Tavian Richardson

The book Mocking Jay is full of adventure and action. The book is written by Suzanne Collins in 2010. Mocking Jay is written in first person view by the thought and actions of Katniss Everdeen. What makes this book interesting is that it’s taken place in the future of North America, where there is no U.S.A, Canada, or Mexico. Pretty much do to war. Now there is one ruler named President Snow.
In Mocking Jay, Katniss Everdeen, has survived even though her home is destroyed. Now she joins the rebels of District 13 in the fight against the Capital. Along the way she makes friend and secret enemies. Also survives a bombing run, gunshot wound, and starvation. How does she do it? I have no idea. After the entire struggle, the war comes to an end with a single arrow.
What I liked about the book is that it has lots of action. Another thing is you don’t know what’s going to happen next. Also it’s an adventure; it never stays in one place. A bad part is probably the ending. Really it is a good book that’s why I give it four stars.
In conclusion the Mocking Jay is great. Life lesson is life is challenge and in the end you realize how well every turns out. I really enjoyed Mocking Jay and I hope you do to.

Unknown said...

Book title and author: The Outsiders by: S.E. Hinton
Title of review: Rhyan’s Review
Number of stars: *****
Rhyan Cochran
The Outsiders is a novel written by S.E. Hinton. The book took place in an unnamed city in Oklahoma, during the 1950s. The novel is written in first person view, from the view of Ponyboy. The genre is fiction and the protagonist is Ponyboy Curtis. 1967 was the year the book was written, and it won many awards for its great wordplay. When Hinton started writing the book, she was 15, but she finished the book when she was 16 in high school. By the time she was 18, the book got published.
The Outsiders is a great novel that took place in a city in Oklahoma. The main character’s parents died in an automobile accident when he was younger, his name is Ponyboy. He has two brothers, Dally and Sodapop, who he depends on to care for him. They all have four close friends named Johnny, Dally, Steve Randle, and Two-Bit Mathews. People like them are considered “Greasers”. They are called Greasers because they have greasy black hair that’s slicked back. They also wear white T-shirts, black leather jackets, and blue jeans. The upper-class people in their town are called “Socs”. The Socs think they are better than everyone else and torment the Greasers. One day when Pony and Johnny are walking around in the park, they get jumped by a bunch of Socs. One of the Socs, Bob, tried to drown Ponyboy in the park’s fountain. While he was drowning him, Johnny got out his switchblade and stabs Bob. When that happens, the other Socs run away and leave Bob to die. The rest of the book explains their crazy adventures, and shows love and loss.
I enjoyed the book The Outsiders. I think it was well written and kept me on the edge of my seat. It taught me to love some characters, and hate the others. The adventures were thrilling and the friendships were lasting.
In conclusion, the book was a well-written, hard hitting novel. It had action and a few sad parts that bundle up together to make one great book. It taught me to love people who might be gone tomorrow.
I gave the book five stars because I really enjoyed it. It’s a book you can keep on reading and not just read a few pages, and its hard to find books like that. It keeps you wanting mor3e and more.

Unknown said...

Book Title and Author: Rumble Fish (by S.E. Hinton)
Title of Review: “Fish That do Indeed Rumble”
Number of Stars (1 to 5): ****
Author of Review: Isaac Rubenstein (Periods 6/7)

Rumble Fish, though not my favorite book (by a LONG shot), I rather good. It was written by S.E. Hinton with entertainment in mind. It is a realistic (and, as it would be perfectly safe to argue, a historical) fiction. The first I had read and heard of it was in Ms. Constable’s 6/7-Period-English-Class. I highly recommend this book to those who like books with some sort of action in them. I DO NOT recommend it to those who are appalled by violence and crime. If you are, you will not enjoy Rumble Fish.
The premise of this whole book is Rusty-James’s (For thou convenience, I shalt refer to his title as RJ) rough childhood. The book starts when RJ’s childhood friend, Steve, provokes a memory about when his rough childhood ended (yes, the whole book is a flashback), and the string of events that does so. The events start when some kid named “Biff” wants to kill him. When he attempts to, RJ’s brother, the Motorcycle Boy (again, for thou convenience, I shalt call him MB or the MB) shows up and stops him. MB, despite his best intentions, gets Steve, RJ, and himself throughout the book. They get in fights: Brush with the police! Eventually, the MB just snaps. He robs a pet store with the intention of getting shot. He succeeds (in getting shot: he fails horribly at the robbery), and the resulting trauma straightens out RJ, just as Steve wanted him throughout the book.
The author of Rumble Fish is S.E. Hinton. It was written in 1975. Its purpose is to entertain, especially to fans of her other book The Outsiders (another great book) The story takes place around the 1960s in a city in Oklahoma. The book is written in first-person, though the viewpoint of RJ. RJ is also the protagonist. Well, more of an anti-hero: Nothing good about him! The theme is dark and criminal.
So, in conclusion Rumble Fish is a good book. Good plot points! Good Dialogue! An interesting story! Very worthwhile I enjoyed this book! To follow RJ and his adventures, read Rumble Fish, by S.E. Hinton.
I rate it 4/5 stars. Very good. Good story and storyline. However, could use improvement.

Kaleena said...

Book title and author: Rumble Fish by S. E. Hinton
Title of review: “The Deathly, Bloody Fish”
Number of stars: ****
Your name: Kaleena Kuhn
This book was a novel, written in 1968. It was written in the first-person point of view, viewing the world from Rusty-James’ eyes.
In this book, it details what it is like to be in the life of a “ruffian.” It’s following through the life of Rusty-James in his point of view, so you really get to understand what life is like for him, and how he sees the world around him. He’s a tough guy, who has an irrational fear (phobia, if you will) of being abandoned, alone, left behind, and/ or forgotten. Although eventually, his worst fears of this happening to him become his daily reality in this story. It’s like a wild cat, stalking its prey in such a slow and tedious manner, lingering just beneath the surface while the hunted animal sits there in the shadow of the fear from the event that’s coming, and that fear almost makes it want to have it be done and over with, since it knows what is going to happen. The fear analogy is the reader, having ever read the story before you almost can’t bear to finish the book because of the ending, while the hunted animal from the cat’s point of view is Rusty-James, since he doesn’t know what will hit him. Then finally, after seemingly relentless stalking and waiting, the cat leaps into an explosion of fury, a furious and unforgiving hail of bloody and excruciating death raining down upon the prey. His fear has been kept at bay by the supposed “safety” of his large group of friends and his tight-knit family, yet stalking him still from the corners of his mind. His family is really falling apart, losing the grip and un-knitting itself. And Rusty-James has no clue about any of it, how fast a family can fall apart when his mother left and his brother is a kleptomaniac who rides stolen motorcycles all over the country with no bounds, and his father is a drunk who never goes to work, only to bars. Suddenly everything starts falling apart, like the sky crashing down, down, down upon his head as he is being ripped away from his little safety net of a supposed “belonging,” whether it be within gangs or a family or friends, he is being ripped limb from limb by this wild, hungry cat of his fear. Then finally the emotional death comes, his total isolation into the hell of bitter loneliness. He lost his girlfriend, best friend, both parents, even his older brother, whom he admired and respected so much. And it didn’t even end there. The brother he loved so much, who seemed so carefree, was actually living in his own private hell that drove him nearly into insanity. And by the end of this book, Rusty-James is just like his older brother. But his fear only makes his hell so, so much worse for him. The reason I call it hell, is because loneliness, having no one there, nothing to live for, no other deep interaction with people, only this surface meaning when you are such a deep person, blends your days together in an endless grey blur. And as a short story about a fifteen-year olds visit to a concentration camp we read a few weeks earlier in this class stated, “Grey is the color of hell.”

Kaleena said...

Kaleena Kuhn
I will say this straight out- I downright hated the main character of this book. I couldn’t connect with him at all, except for his phobia, which I share. To me, he was obnoxious, arrogant, outright stupid, and unrespectable. He went around, all the time saying that he wished the gangs were back, and I can understand that he liked feeling like part of a group through them, but violence solves no problems it only creates them, and he loved to have violence in his life. I honestly liked his brother much better, because I could identify with him. He shared some views on the world with me, and I’ve known the lonely feeling that he was trapped in and did the most drastic measure possible to get out of. I loved the book overall, because I could identify the hidden metaphors and things that most others wouldn’t get and I loved the style overall of the writing.
Wrapping it up, I really loved this book and the dramatic, endless struggle it portrayed between the essence of ones’ beliefs and the essence of their fears. It didn’t quite move me, it wasn’t that great of a book, but then again hardly any literature is enough to move me to tears or some such display of emotion. It did have a great effect on me though, and it made me think, which is very good thing to me. I loved that it had so many little secrets, or hidden ideas that some people might not connect together but that I can find.
I gave the book four stars because it didn’t have enough power to move me or change my ideals or anything like that, and I didn’t like Rusty-James very well, but it did make me think and I liked that. Along with consideration of the writing style, which I liked, that was enough to bump it up to four stars from me.

Unknown said...

Book title and author: A Child Called It by Dave Pelzer
Title of review: A Review on A Child Called It
Number of stars (1 to 5): ****
Kayla Pearl
The autobiography A Child Called It was written by the protagonist, David Pelzer. The book takes place in the 1970’s in Daly City, California. This book was written in to inform and open the eyes of the readers to child abuse around the world. A Child Called It was published September 1st, 1995. David Pelzer’s case was and is the most severe form of child abuse in California history. To get his point across, David Pelzer goes into full gory details about what happened behind the walls of the Pelzer’s home.
David Pelzer was abused by his mother, David had three brothers and his dad was a drunk and eventually left his family and his psychotic wife. David’s mother, Katherine, verbally and physically abused him until he was nine years old. She had stabbed him, made him eat his own brothers feces, and when allowed food, it was spoiled scraps even the dog wouldn’t eat. She stripped him of everything he had, she took away his dignity. To her, he was not even her son. He was either “The Boy” or an “It”. David’s school knew about the abuse, as much as he would let slip out on accident. There were not laws on child abuse at this time for it was not a very big concern but after David’s case was discovered, child abuse laws were enforced around California.
Overall, I enjoyed this story immensely. I was extremely disgusted, though. Not only about the things Katherine made David do but, with Katherine herself. The other children were not abused but yet treated like royalty. This book had me on the edge of my seat the entire time and I could not begin to fathom what David had to survive through it. I may have been wrong on this but a life lesson I have learned is that going through something tough like abuse is traumatizing and the abuser wants you to give up, so they feel powerful. So by giving up you would be giving them what they want.
In summary, A Child Called It was a very great book. I will definitely recommend this book to someone who has not read this and wants something to keep them on the edge of their seat whilst giving them the heartache the book has to offer. David’s story is one of a kind and I hope to get the chance to read his other books.
Final Review: My final review is that I very much enjoyed this story and it deserves the four stars I give it. But, I did not rate five stars because the gore was not my most favorite thing and I was highly disgusted. The reason for the gore though, is to open the nightmare that is child abuse and I highly respect this.

Unknown said...

Book title and author: The Outsiders S.E. Hinton
Title of review: The Outsiders
Number of stars : ****
Zyon Dobbs

The Outsiders book was made in 1997 written by a 14 year old girl. She had grew up with lots of violence and lost some friends. So the book was told in first person, and the book had lots of fights and violence. But the book starts out in Oklahoma in them 1960’s. When four people from a gang was walking around because they was in trouble. So their gangs name was the greasers. They had young kids that like to drink and smoke. But at that time smoking was just something fun to do. They didn’t know it could hurt them.
But the greasers had some enemies and their names was the soc . The two gangs haven’t liked each other for a long time now. But they just want to prove who was the toughest. Then when Johnny and Ponyboy were walking in the park and some of the soc had run up on them. The soc was about to kill Ponyboy , so Johnny killed on of the soc. So Ponyboy wouldn’t get killed.
So Johnny and Ponyboy went into hiding so they wouldn’t get caught by the cops. They go to a church far away from the crime scene. But a couple days later the church burns down. Johnny gets burned trying to save kids from the church. When johnny gets to the hospital he is called a hero by everyone. So the greasers want to get back at the soc. When they have a big battle to see who is the toughest of the gangs.
When the greasers and up winning and they are happy. But while johnny was in the hospital he dies. When his friend Dallas hears about it he goes out and robes a pet store. And when the cops come for him he tells the cops to shoot him. When the cops shoot him he dies and the story ends with the greasers acting better and sticking together.
I thought the book was really interesting. It keep me in the story the whole time. Because it had lots of exciting things happen. The book was really into detail so I understood what was going on.

Unknown said...

Book title and author: The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton
Title of review: The Outsiders Book Review
Number of stars: ***
Gabrielle Wilfong

The setting of the book The Outsiders was located in Oklahoma. The author of it is S.E. Hinton. The book was written in 1967 and it was also in first person. The author of it is S.E. Hinton. The protagonist, which is the main character, is a boy named Ponyboy. He had two brothers by the names of Darry and Sodapop. Darry was the oldest so he took care of the other two because their parents had died in a car accident.

Where they live there are two kinds of people, socs or greasers. Socs and greasers never communicate, and if they do they can never be seen with each other. Socs are rich, snobby people who wear kakis, button-ups, and sweaters. Greasers are completely opposite. They wear blue jeans, leather jackets, white t-shirts, and converse. Greasers live on east side and Socs live on the west. In their gang for the greasers the members are: Ponyboy, Johnny, Dally Winston, Sodapop, Darry, Two-bit. Both of the gangs decided to have a rumble one night. A rumble is a fight against two gangs. It ended up that the greasers won the fight. A couple days before Ponyboy and Johnny met two girl socs at the movies. They talked the whole night and had a blast. When their boyfriends arrived to pick them up they couldn’t be seen with them.

I like this book because it has a lot of details. She makes sure that we know the big difference between socs and greasers. My favorite part in the whole book I think is when they were at the movies and they met the two socs. Their names were Cherry and Martia. Cherry had long red hair and she was prettier than Martia. Both of their boyfriends didn’t like Ponyboy or Johnny at all.

I really like this book and I recommend you read it. The author of this book is a very good author and has some other books that you should read also. There is a lot of details in The Outsiders that make the book very good.

I chose this book because it in older times and is very good. I gave it three stars because I have read better things but this is very good also.

Unknown said...

Book title and author: A Child Called It by Dave Pelzer
Title of review: Megan Rumney`s review
Number of stars: *****
A child called it is an amazing book written by Dave Pelzer himself. David`s book about his abusive child hood. The book takes pace in Daly City, California. Published in September of 1995 Dave Pelzer lets us in on his childhood, living with an abusive mother, alcoholic father and his four brothers that helped their mother abuse Dave Pelzer. It was not until March 5th, 1973 when Dave was finally taken out of his abusive home at age 12 and finally put into foster care. His mother always find new, cruel and unusual punishments from smashing his face up against a mirror to making him drink phenomena.
A Child Called It is a memoir of Dave Pelzer`s life with his abusive mother. The book begins in Daly City, California and Dave is running late, he must finish the dishes otherwise Dave will not be allowed to have supper. Dave`s mother had time limits on every everything! Catharine, Dave`s mother even had time limits even had time limits on how long Dave could spend eating his dinner. If he was lucky enough, to be permitted to eat. As the book progresses Dave tells about all of the “games” his mother played with him. Dave`s mother then broke Dave`s shoulder and when she took him to the hospital, she lied and said that he had fallen of of the top bunk while he was sleeping. It seems that Catharine has changed and he old abusive days are gone when they go on a family trip to a river they use to go to a lot before the abuse began, but then Dave realized that his mother had not and would never change when he attempts to go out and play but he is quickly called back inside to do chores. Then Dave`s mother gave Dave the ultimate punishment, probably the worst yet!
I liked this book because it kept me reading. And A Child It kept me curious and wondering what Catharine may do next to her innocent under 12 year old son. But what stood out to me the most would probably be how Dave Pelzer wrote the book. Dave didn`t write this book as a “aww poor me” book but as a “ Bring it on. I am not scared” type of book.
From A Child Called It I learned not to take anything for granite and to count my blessings. Dave was abused physically by his mother, yes but what probably hurt the most for Dave was knowing the one person in the world that is supposed to be there for you no matter what, hated him. From putting a dirty diaper in Dave’s face to stabbing him Dave still tried to seek the love in the abuse of his mother.
I Thought this book was amazing and I give A Child Called It five stars. It tells about real life issues and doesn’t try to sugar coat it.

Jackie Constable said...

Book title and author: A Child Called “It” by Dave Pelzer
Title of Review: A Book Called “It”
Number of stars: *****
Ezra Yoneda
A Child Called “It” is a very sad, yet well received book about the life of its author, Dave Pelzer. This autobiography was originally published in 1993, and we see through the eyes of him as a child. This tells us that this book is first-person view. Dave Pelzer had a total of four brothers, one mother, and a father, and they all cause problems for him, directly and indirectly. He is soon treated more like a slave than an actual family member. Dave is very descriptive about his life while making this book. I believe this was meant to show people who don’t know about how horrible child abuse is the horrors about it.
The book actually begins at the beginning of the day Dave is set free during school, implying that everything afterward is a flashback. Dave’s family wasn’t all bad, as when it was only three sons and their parents, they had an incredible time. However, due to their parents having an alcohol problem, the two began fighting more and the mother started to give her kids painful punishments, especially towards Dave. He is forced to fight for his self-protection and eventually food, going as far as begging, lying, and stealing, yet he always gets caught and is always punished, from being thrown on a stove to getting his arm broken, yet her mother always lies about this to other people. At one point, she goes too far with torturing Dave, as he is soon given a gigantic cut with a cutting knife by her, interfering with the “jobs” he needs to do for his mother. She begins to become even worse, because Dave’s father has plans to leave the family, saying he can’t take it anymore. Dave begins claiming that there is no God, as he would’ve saved Dave if he was real, but despite this, Dave wishes to be free as his last prayer, leading up to the events in the first chapter.
A Child Called “It” was very emotional and descriptive. Dave really was thorough about other character’s emotional appearance, even characters that appear only for one paragraph! He talks about everything that happens to him during important parts of the entire story. He also expresses the tense and emotional parts of the characters. He mainly shows how the characters are by the use of italics, punctuation, and so on. This makes it easier to understand how happy, angry, sad, disgusted, scared, sarcastic, or curious they are.
I find this book to be great, and I believe that anyone my age or older will also think of it the same way. Kids that are way younger than I am shouldn’t read this book due to the inappropriate language and behavior. As I’ve said before, the story is very descriptive about the plot and emotions of the characters. The characters themselves are also very impacting on the story, as if one major character had a slightly different personality, Dave probably wouldn’t have been freed. The plot never draws away at one point throughout the story. Everything that happens relates to the book’s main point.
A Child Called “It” is a book that I stand by as a terrific story and one of Dave Pelzer’s best creations. I never found it awful at one point at all.

Tyler Rosier said...

Book title and author: Child Called It by Dave Pelzer
Title of review:
Number of stars (1 to 5): * * * *
Tyler Rosier

This book was written in 1995 by Dave Pelzer. It is written in 3rd person talking about Dave Pelzer’s life. The book is nonfiction, and takes place in Dally City, California in the 1970s.
This book talks about, and was written by Dave Pelzer. He talks about his life as a child. Specifically how his mother would abuse him. Dave explains how he lived through all the games his mother made up to abuse him. Although the book is gruesome, it makes you love your life, and it makes you thankful that you are not abused!
The story is sad and gruesome! On the other hand, it is a very good book, and it makes you love who you are. Some parts are too gross to read, like him eating a dirty diaper, and him swallowing ammonia. I would give this book four stars.
The book is filled with excitement, and suspense. This book taught me some valuable lessons. For example, love what you have, love your life, and be glad you aren’t abused. It can be very gruesome, sad, and disgusting for some people! In conclusion, it is a wonderful book and I would recommend it to everyone unless they had a weak stomach.

Unknown said...

Book Title and Author: Rumblefish by S.E. Hinton
Title of Review: Rumblefish: A Synopsis
Number of Stars: ***
Karinna Fazenbaker

This is Rumblefish by S.E. Hinton. It’s a young adult novel set in Oklahoma in the 1960’s. There is Rusty-James, Motorcycle Boy, Steve, Smokey, BJ, and Maria. The book is told in first person, Rusty-James’s point of view. The book is mainly about Rusty-James’s story with his brother and the expectations he has for him. S.E. Hinton is trying to show us how even gang leaders have emotional breakdowns and need support. The book is psychological to its readers, and improves how we think of most things.
This book is about Rusty-James and his brother Motorcycle Boy. Rusty-James is the number one tough guy, who uses fists over brains. All he really wants, though, is to be like the Motorcycle Boy. Rusty-James always gets in over his head and his brother is always there to bail him out. But this time, Motorcycle Boy isn’t there to pick up the pieces. Slowly, Rusty-James is realizing that his brother has lost his grip. Motorcycle Boy sees the world unlike other people. Rusty honestly never noticed. His best friend Steve says he’s the pinball in a machine, bouncing against the walls over and over again. Motorcycle Boy dies for stealing a rumble fish from the pet store, and Rusty-James is still bouncing against the walls of his conscious, even though he’s far from the 14 year-old he was then.
Rumblefish was a good book. It’s one of those books that make you think and interpret what’s happening. There are so many metaphors; it’s actually hard to keep up with. It also makes you ask yourself how you’d react to the situation or if you see what’s really happening. Rumblefish was good because it kept your attention throughout, it didn’t rush the plot or anything, and you have to piece together the information yourself. It didn’t just say “This happened, The End.” It took the time to work through its complications. The book didn’t keep my attention in the best way, but I was interested enough to keep reading. One thing I really didn’t like about Rumblefish was the fact that there was no real resolution. Motorcycle Boy died and Rusty-James got older. However, Rusty-James didn’t mentally grow up. I feel like Rusty is the same pinball smacking the walls from when he was 14. He may be older, but his thoughts are not.
This book is mainly about Rusty-James’s story with his brother and how it all ends up. Rumblefish is extremely metaphorical and interesting. I think every middle-schooler should read this book. It explains that not everything is what you think it is, and that relationships can be unbearably complicated. Rusty-James didn’t have a real resolution but the plot did. The book finished and Motorcycle Boy changed lives. S.E. Hinton did a wonderful job with yet another book, and pleased her fans with her complicated and surreal stories.
This book is one of the greats, and after you read it, you’ll be glad you did.

Unknown said...

Book title and author: The Outsiders, By S.E. Hinton
Title of review: A Story of Life and Death
Number of stars (1 to 5):*****
By: Jarryd Powell

The Outsiders written by S.E. Hinton was published in 1967. At the time the book was written she was only 16. An ironic twist of fate, she received a D in creative writing the previous semester. When she started writing the novel she had no idea the book would evolve into the masterpiece it is today. The novel itself reflects an entire scale of human emotion. I invite you to join me in my review of this wonderful novel.
A summary of main points in The Outsiders is hard to do. There are many important moments in the novel. The first main point is when Ponyboy is attacked by Socs at the start of the book. The second event happens when Ponyboy meets the Soc girls at the drive-in movies. The third main event is when Ponyboy runs away from his house and Johnny kills Bob in self-defense. The fourth event is when the church is on fire and Johnny and Ponyboy try to save the kids in the building. The final main point is near the ending of the book when the rumble between the Socs and the Greasers occurs.
The Outsiders is an excellent novel. In short, it is human. It tells an emotionally packed story. The book overall may seem like a rollercoaster of emotions. It tells a truthful and realistic story that has captivated the minds of many. On minute you are smiling and the next minute you are crying.
The Outsiders tells a story of 1960’s teenage delinquents and gangs. The story reflects human life and death. The novel is truthful and realistic. The novel itself may not be nonfiction, but it seems to almost be a true story. If you were not told otherwise, you might think it is an autobiography by Johnny himself.
I loved this book. S.E. Hinton did an excellent job on the novel. It is one of the greatest books I have ever read. The novel flows with human emotion. In my opinion it is a true Masterpiece. I would recommend that you read this book. You will not regret it.

Jarryd Powell 4/5 periods

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Mitchell Capelle
4th & 5th period

Book title and author: The Outsiders, S.E. Hinton
Title of review: A well rounded book
Number of Stars: ***
Mitchell Capelle

The book I am writing my report on is “The Outsiders”. The book was written in 1976 by S.E. Hinton.
The type of book is a novel. Even though this book was written in 1976, it is still a widely read book and you can still relate today’s issues to the same issues that were printed in the book. It’s as the world has not really changed from then to now.

The main characters in this novel are Ponyboy, Johnny, Dally, Darry, Sodapop, Two-bit, Cherry, Marcia, Bob, Randy. When Ponyboy was walking home from the movie theater he was attacked by four members of a rival gang called the Socs. The next night a few of the Greasers go back to the theatre and run into two girls that are girlfriends of the Socs. The Greasers offer to take the girls home when they met up with a few members from the Socs gang. The Socs think they are trying to take their girls away from them, the girls go with the Socs and it ends the fight.
Later that night Ponyboy and Johnny (Greasers) go to the park; there they happen to run into a few of the Socs that are drunk. A fight breaks out and one of the Socs is killed while trying to drown Ponyboy. This kicks off several events in the book. Ponyboy and Johnny hide in an abandon church after what to place in the park.
After hearing news of a rumble that is going to happen Johnny wants to turn himself into the police. After leaving the church and going to eat they noticed it has caught fire with children in it. The Greasers run back into the church to save the children, and they are both injured doing so.
The Greasers win the rumble, Johnny dies in the hospital due to his injuries, and Dally goes crazy after Johnny’s death and robs a store and is killed by the police. Ponyboy has good luck in court because the judge acquits him of all charges and allows him to stay with his friends.
Ponyboy has a few hard months before realizing the true meaning and value of family. He gets himself back on track and decides to write about the things that have happened to him.

I think this book was written to entertain young and older readers. The book was organized and easy to follow. I think the story line is timeless; there are bullies and peer pressure, good and bad times in the 1950’s and in the 2010’s. My lessons could be taught and learned from this book.

I think the book had a very good story line, I do think that it could have had more detail. I also would have liked to known some of the back story between the two gangs. There weren’t too many happy moments in the book. I think you can learn from the happy times in your life just as you can learn from the bad times in your life. I would recommend this book for all to read.

For my final review, I think that the author did a good job in describing how the characters looked and how life and people were during those times. He gave details and showed how rough life was to be in a gang no matter what your social status was. He also was able to describe how it felt to live in a time when you knew that you were one of the outsiders in society and many things were not good. Even with all of the hardships there is always good in your heart if you choose to acknowledge it and do the right thing when necessary.